1. W

    Se London/Kent mechanic or garage

    Got a reply though, cheers bud.
  2. W

    A 1972 headache...

    Completely agree, however it was because of the noises we took the engine out, discovered we where wrong, put it all back, noise still there. (trucks back moving as I was a dumb **** and didn’t check the transfer box being in neutral haha)
  3. W

    A 1972 headache...

    What do you mean bud? Had it in first and she was pulling away, depressed the clutch, 2,3 smooth, fourth, I'd have a better chance getting Excalibur out of the stone, 5th smooth.
  4. W

    A 1972 headache...

    It will not, I'm not a weak man and it would not find it.
  5. W

    Se London/Kent mechanic or garage

    Unsure of the rules of bringing up old posts but this one stood out to me and I’ve seen you’re still an active member. do you remember if you managed to find Pedro? Is he still about? I’m in sidcup and could do with someone having a look at my Landy thanks.
  6. W

    A 1972 headache...

    Looking at the larger picture too much. that said, the plot thickens. I now have no fourth gear. It won’t go in for love nor money. and the noise is still persistent, I have the access panel open but I don’t think that bit of metal would block out all the sound that’s coming. Will get a video...
  7. W

    A 1972 headache...

    I can't believe I didn't check the bloody transfer box! :,-) :,-) But the noises are still there. Levels check now
  8. W

    A 1972 headache...

    Well, I'm glad no body here knows me in person... ****ing neutral transfer box But the noise is still there. Going to check levels shortly.
  9. W

    A 1972 headache...

    Loving this everyone! Thanks to everyone for taking the time already and to those who have more to put in!
  10. W

    A 1972 headache...

    Shall be home in a few hours bud, will get as many photos as needed.
  11. W

    A 1972 headache...

    Had a look on the Ashcroft website, seen the video on locating the serial number, looks like that's a place to start for me!
  12. W

    A 1972 headache...

    That's an interesting point about the neutral transfer box. Shall have a look as I've glossed over that looking too deep at things. Will be home in a few hours.
  13. W

    A 1972 headache...

    Unfortunately the other side for me but if nothing else comes up I'll get in contact and send the truck on a flat bed
  14. W

    A 1972 headache...

    Yea 3.5v8 with the lt77 bud. I've seen several lt77 online for sale, all refurbed but only have the standard remote selector. Would a standard mechanic be able to swap the standard selector for the high/low range gear selector? Does anyone know anyone in the south east they can recommend?
  15. W

    A 1972 headache...

    3.5 v8, it's got 5 gears, reverse is far left and up.
  16. W

    A 1972 headache...

    Yea, its had loads done. As stated pretty much nothings stock
  17. W

    A 1972 headache...

    I bought a “1972” series 3 that’s had just about everything done on it. When sold to me it was in somewhat of a running order, but after bad advice and worse knowledge, she’s currently off the road. needed a carb overhaul, so fitted the Holley 4 barrel - run perfectly Lost the key, fitted...
  18. W

    Good afternoon! Long time lurker, first time joiner.

    Good afternoon everyone! How are we all doing? my names Chesney, born 9 months after “the one and only” was in the charts, so we can make our own assumptions where the name come from! I’m ex army, live in south east London/north west Kent. And I rip out asbestos for a living. that’s the get to...