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    The Dreaded Head Gasket

    Spotted ours before it got serious (by keeping an eye on the coolant condition). My mate is a self employed mechanic and to make sure the job was a 'good un' sent the head away for skimming as well as fitting a revised gasket. Al in all I think we paid around the £400 mark, but were also...
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    Siezed Viscous coupling - how long will it last?

    Seems a good deal nije. The Ashcroft units are advertised as new £370 - and certainly they look brand new. I think there may be £15 for delivery too...
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    Engine Noise @ 4000/rpm

    I have a sports car too - and know the difference. In your comments - You exaggerate and oversimplify - you add no more than you have before. You obviously do not use your engine in the same way others do. Your comments seem to indicate that you believe anyone who does not adhere to your...
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    transfer box (IRD)

    Got mine from this bloke. So far so good http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4624415856&ssPageName=MERC_VIC_ReBay_Pr2_PcY_BID_IT
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    Engine Noise @ 4000/rpm

    Right - well as i just posted elsewhere - we have just had to change the IRD unit (Often called - Front diff or transfer box) - the viscous coupling and support bearings, front O/S drive-shaft and a support bracket that mounts on to the engine and an engine vibration damper. Guess what - the...
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    Siezed Viscous coupling - how long will it last?

    Cathy - hi, seems to be a common problem at the moment - occurring about 40,000 miles or so. just had ours done - I'm afraid you might be in for a big bill - depending on what needs doing. Just the VCU is about £370 + labour - if the support bearing need replacing at least £35 each if you...
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    Siezed Viscous coupling - how long will it last?

    If you believe it is seized - it can only have a detrimental affect on the rest of the transmission. :( My advice: 1. If unsure - get someone who sees a lot of them to confirm seizure 2. Buy a new one and replace immediately - OR: 3. Take off the prop shafts & VCU and run in FWD until you...
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    ird & vcu

    Yep - thats the best place to find out how to check. Had mine up on a lift - 2 of us took a strong bar on front and back UJs and tried to 'flex' the VCU back & forth against each other - but it didn't shift a millimetre. Does that sound like a valid way to check? Personally - I think...
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    2005 Freelander: head gasket probs thing of the past?

    Land Rover made an all time buy of K series to cover the build forecast for the whole of 2005 and were pretty well covered with existing stock when Rover Powertrain Engineering went belly up. Landrover will be converting over to a Ford engine as soon as the current K series stocks run out...
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    Engine Noise @ 4000/rpm

    Jerry - Thanks for your reply - I appreciate you taking the time to do so. I disagree with your comments though. I worked at Land Rover when the Freelander was being developed and was the buyer for the exhaust, catalyst and exhaust Manifolds. The car was always designed to cope with...
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    Engine Noise @ 4000/rpm

    Anyone else experience unbelievable harshness at 4,000 rpm (1.8 K series engine - 5 door Station Wagon). On a long trip last week it was unbearable. But drop to 3,500/rpm or go up past 4,500/rpm and it eases off. Any ideas how I can stop this booming NVH please? And NO - I don't plan to...