1. S

    Dead Aux belt - extra info welcom

    Thanks for confirming the method and direction....much appreciated Mike
  2. S

    Dead Aux belt - extra info welcom

    I have breakdown cover with home start....that's the rub It failed on Thursday about an hour after my garage closed for the weekend. The AA recovered it but said it's garage or home....1 tow only....no extras. Sadly it's in the Terms and Conditions
  3. S

    Dead Aux belt - extra info welcom

    5 miles east of Manchester....why you driving over to fix it for free:cool:
  4. S

    Hi guys...Mike from manchester....my freelander aux belt has died

    we do....it's called avoiding discos
  5. S

    Hi guys...Mike from manchester....my freelander aux belt has died

    No problem....you probably missed it amongst the farm manure...could be worse...like having a TDi
  6. S

    Dead Aux belt - extra info welcom

    I've read this thread on the aux belt and before I commit to taking it to the garage I thought I'd give it one last whirl http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f9/td4-aux-belt-change-49002-2.html It's shredded the large serpentine belt. I've read and searched on here that you need a 24mm spanner...
  7. S

    Hi guys...Mike from manchester....my freelander aux belt has died

    I did....I clicked it...I read it....I replied.....thanks
  8. S

    Hi guys...Mike from manchester....my freelander aux belt has died

    No I haven't jumped in with both feet. Yes I have read many many posts. I can cut the comedy with the best of them.....when I get to know them and they get to know me then p!sstaking is actually quite fun. I note there are some that are good humoured underneath.
  9. S

    Hi guys...Mike from manchester....my freelander aux belt has died

    It wont let me quote without going to mod so i'll be general I aint an Hairdresser, it's not our only car in fact it's not the only 4 wheeler (and no it's not a freelander). I said hello because I was asked to do so and to be met with some childish responses was quite dissapointing.
  10. S

    Hi guys...Mike from manchester....my freelander aux belt has died

    Negative advice ignored...thanks for your input off to freelander world thread
  11. S

    Hi guys...Mike from manchester....my freelander aux belt has died

    I had read that previously bu thanks for the link anyway. It still looks harder in practice than in print. There seems to be some contradiction in which way the tensioner is rotated to slacken. From that I guessed anti clockwise?
  12. S

    Hi guys...Mike from manchester....my freelander aux belt has died

    Hi Landy people. My names Mike and we have a freelander 1 in the household. I would have posted before but I lost my activation code We have an 02 TD4 and for the most part it's been good. I find myself back here (now i'm activated) becasue the darn thing has let me down and I would like some...