1. T

    RR 4l Autobiography

    He has actually claimed “in 13 years of sales he has never had an issue” which obviously we both know not to be the case
  2. T

    RR 4l Autobiography

    It’s unlikely he’s actually a professor of maths let alone at Oxford university. There’s nothing online to back his claims like any thesis papers written or a profile on any University websites etc. That’s a good idea I hadn’t thought of that. I’m fully prepared to do anything it takes to get...
  3. T

    RR 4l Autobiography

    Hi Mate, funnily enough my girlfriend is actually local plod. Unfortunately it’s more a civil matter than criminal at the minute. Any chance I could contact you about this tomorrow and we could have a proper chat? Thanks
  4. T

    RR 4l Autobiography

    After a lot of googling just found this forum. Had the misfortune of buying a discovery 3 from him. When first delivered had 3 bald tyres, I refused the vehicle and he took it away and replaced them. Then when I collected it 5 minutes down the road it developed an oil pressure fault. He has had...