1. R

    Discovery 2 (Swap) Good Disco 2 V8

    Thanks bud, yeah it was a lovely car, of with its new owner know and hopefully behaving haha Haha yeah looks better than pins or tape. Yeah can't remember the company but they sell a roll of your colour fabric and enough spray glue to do the job, do a Google search and they appear. Follow a...
  2. R

    Discovery 2 (Swap) Good Disco 2 V8

    Hi buddy Sorry only just spotted this. I did it myself. I just colour matched the interior with a company that sells the kits, then took it all out and stripped it all off, then myself and my brother applied it carefully. One of use sprayed and the other layed it from the centre out. Wear...
  3. R

    Discovery 2 Discovery 2 V8 good conditon (Swap or sale)

    No worries at all They also drive sooo much nicer that the Diesels. Take care
  4. R

    Discovery 2 Discovery 2 V8 good conditon (Swap or sale)

    Hi John Well let's put it this way, youre not helping dismantle Putin's oil financed war effort in Ukraine that's for sure.! I have an Ultra Guage in the car so have the figures, it gets 20mpg maybe 20plus on a good motorway, 17mph combines is good and around 15mpg on the traffic...
  5. R

    Discovery 2 Discovery 2 V8 good conditon (Swap or sale)

    Hi all I have been round in circles as to if I should sell this or move it to Gran Canaria where I live now, decided to put it back up for sale and if not I guess I will drive her over here to retire haha. It's the V8, it's in great condition and the gear box changes really nicely, very solid...
  6. R

    O2 sensor size

    Thanks all, also for anyone in the future reading the thread. The car still running fine. So the issues with new sensors and old warnings is fixed.
  7. R

    O2 sensor size

    Soo gave it a 30 mim drive and It drive well, the system stayed on the 02 sensors and didn't brake the loop to the ECU map, and the fuel economy even on the back roads when from 14mpg in the V8 to near 17 till I hit traffic. So thanks lads all is well currently
  8. R

    O2 sensor size

    Hey juke, yeah funny enough I went out and checked it along with all the connections before you posted. So took all the connections off on the 02 sensors, cleaned them, checked and cleaned engine fuses. Disconnected the battery and re attached everything....it works!. Or at least it seems to...
  9. R

    O2 sensor size

    Right so I can't reset values on my reader, and I still have warning codes post 4 new sensors. I get p0134 P0135 P0154 P0155 That's no sensors recognised I believe.. I have left the battery of over night, reset the reader and I'm still getting these warnings after a few test drives. Do I need...
  10. R

    O2 sensor size

    Fair enough juke that makes sense, I will look into that and see if I can on my machine.
  11. R

    O2 sensor size

    Yeah I thought the values wouldn't need setting?
  12. R

    O2 sensor size

    Hey juke, I will need to see if my OBD2 can.
  13. R

    O2 sensor size

    Haha, it's been ok so far as I have still been using it. I keep dipping in and out on lunch brakes, and kept forgetting to disconnect the battery. Hopefully leaving it off tonight will sort it in the morning when the ECU scans the system at start up. But it shouldn't need to be reset on a...
  14. R

    O2 sensor size

    Thanks dude, I was worried for sure!. I was being cheeky and didn't disconnect the battery, so I guess I will leave it off over night and try again tomorrow with a good test run.
  15. R

    O2 sensor size

    Thanks guys, nothing more frustrating is there
  16. R

    O2 sensor size

    All done!!!, I had the engine running in the end and I shifted the thing!. And it was quite rounded when it came out. Next question is does the ECU need a reset post 4 new sensors?
  17. R

    O2 sensor size

    Cheers all, yeah I have looked at it. Access is the main issue here, that and what I guess is a rounded head. That's why I assumed the size must be off as the spanner really doesn't want to fit it, I get a few swings of a hammer and the spanner then moves of the head. Will blast it with...
  18. R

    O2 sensor size

    Yeah I tried measuring on the old ones and they don't seem to like the 22 very much either. Tried the tools but there isn't enough clearance, it's a real pig, same issues with big grips, adjustables etc. I did think about the next size down in imperial, even cutting a 21 ring on a spanner...
  19. R

    O2 sensor size

    Yeah thanks stanley, I have allready done that with the ring spanner, and it still slips . Other thank just keep hammering away with the ring spanner I don't know what else to do know. I'm going to try and get a blow torch on it next I guess and just hope the spanner holds out. Is it definitely...
  20. R

    O2 sensor size

    Hey all, I removed 3 of my 02 sensors really rather easily, but I'm buggered on the front passenger side (is that bank 1 number 1?). What size are the heads on these bloody things, I have been trying with a 22m spanner and It just keeps slipping and rounding it. The others I removed with an...