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    2.5 dse manual gearstick problem

    So am i, Thanks ! :p
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    2.5 dse manual gearstick problem

    Well of course ;) Anyway back to the problem in hand, i think i have sorted it, the guy who had the car before me had the gear box changed, which ever idiot put the car back together had replaced the gear stick the wrong way round, which meant the gears was way over to the left but not having...
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    2.5 dse manual gearstick problem

    Pmsl!! please dont get your coat.... But im stressed about my car and i promise to use spell check in future.... Maybe you should of checked my name as i really did use to be blonde!! (Ecceleration)
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    2.5 dse manual gearstick problem

    Im nost sure how updating my microsoft office will help my gear stick, or was it just a polite b*****king! I have checked the site for similar problems but cant seem to find anything similar, :confused:
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    2.5 dse manual gearstick problem

    I have a P38 manual which has an annoying problem, the gear stick makes a vibrating noise, it will do it when driven at a steady speed or on ecceleration, this is really just a minor problem but yet very annoying considering the other problems im having at the moment, but just wondered if anyone...
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    P38 Battery keeps dying

    Big Big thank you for that, the removal of the O-Ring procedure by drilling the hole as made the job so much easier, im not quite there like yet but the hole as been drilled and my hubby is now much happier that the job wont take half as long, so i hopefully will have her back on the road soon...
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    P38 Battery keeps dying

    Mine is a manual so i dont have the red indicator light to check, but im more than convinced it had to do with the battery going flat, but its turning into a much bigger problem now, as i said i had 2 conflicting problems, (Heat plugs tested to be ok) as turns out i found that the fuel pipe up...
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    P38 Battery keeps dying

    Hi, I found the correct wire and unplugged it last night, unfortuately my car still played up this morning so i am in the process of checking the heater plugs, it started but not first time, it definately was charged ok so i must have two conflicting problems not one, the car hadnt been left...
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    P38 Remote Lock only after you first UNlock. Why?

    Hi, I have the same problem with mine (P38), i found out the reason for mine, if you look into the ignition there is a ball that moves as you put the key in, if the ball sticks as you remove the key it thinks the key is still in there and wont lock, if you put the key back in and move it so the...
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    P38 Battery keeps dying

    Hi Pockers, thank you for the info i have just been looking into the rf receiver thing, sirus pointed me in that direction, i have read some of the posts about it, so i am going to unplug it & hope it fixes the flat battery, so you say it is a design fault and its £150 for the upgrade to fix it...
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    P38 Battery keeps dying

    Hi, sorry for my ignorance but whats that??
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    P38 Battery keeps dying

    Hi There, i have just joined in the hope someone will have some advise for my problem, i have a 99 p38 i bought it last july, however the battery didnt seem to be much cop, so at xmas i replaced it with a new one but even with the new battery it still struggles to start after only a couple of...