1. J

    2.7 tdv6 re-build

    I was driving at around 60-70 and the oil light started flickering. Slowed down as I was on a dual carriageway and couldn't stop till I got to a lay-by about half a mile away. the engine light went off and i stopped the engine and checcked oil level - OK Started the engine and it was lumpy and...
  2. J

    Newbie to Landyzone

    gutted really, the vehicle is in great all round condition! Quoted £3795 + VAT by Engine center.com in Cardiff - Quite a bit more expensive than some I've seen but They are RAC approved wheras most others I've seen (on Ebay etc) are a lot cheaper but not sure I'd trust them based on some of the...
  3. J

    Newbie to Landyzone

    Thx mate I was driving at around 60-70 and the oil light started flickering. Slowed down as I was on a dual carriageway and couldn't stop till I got to a lay-by about half a mile away. the engine light went off and i stopped the engine and checcked oil level - OK Started the engine and it was...
  4. J

    2.7 tdv6 re-build

    Oddly enough I was considering that company but did a google search on them (also known as Equipetable Engines) and that's how I ended up registering on LandyZone!! the google search found a link to a thread on here slating them. I'm also looking at a company more local to me in Cardiff (Engine...
  5. J

    2.7 tdv6 re-build

    Hi, Looking for some advice on a good re-build company. Anyone got any tried and tested recommendations?
  6. J

    Newbie to Landyzone

    Hi guys, just got myself on here to get some solid guidance on engine re-builds. I bought my 2008 disco 2.7 GS Auto a year ago and the engine needs a re-build. Heading straight for the engines forum to get some advice