1. Rangebob

    looking to buy first disco, advice needed

    inner wings too, as i've found out with my rangie! Aargh!
  2. Rangebob

    92 Classic no power to Cigar lighters

    sorry for the hi jack but does anyone know if the two lighters are independly fused? As my front one has on power and the back one does so on bringing my rangie home i had to plug sat nav into the back and have a lead trailing through the middle.
  3. Rangebob

    To Diesel or not to Diesel

    ha ha. diesel cos it'll be cheaper than converting a v8 to lpg n you can go in water deeper.
  4. Rangebob

    To Diesel or not to Diesel

    If u youse ther ferum proper then yew'll no he's in a 90 ora 110 isn't it.
  5. Rangebob

    RRC auto gearboxes?

    oh no, i hope my box ain't fudged, it's the one thing that sort of works on my rangie! Plus the missus'll never let me spend that amount on fixing it It's bad enough as it is. Aaaargh!
  6. Rangebob

    RRC auto gearboxes?

    Ah ha i don't think kickdown was working at all so that sounds like one of the first ports of call also, gearbox oil change too as it's probabibley never been done looking at what the abuser did. Cheers pete and mr take5
  7. Rangebob

    RRC auto gearboxes?

    Tar muchly will try.
  8. Rangebob

    RRC auto gearboxes?

    I.ve recently got a 1988 classic 3.5 v8 auto and on driving it home it felt a bit sluggish on shifting especially when pulling away from a stop, is this normal for an old auto? Also it smelt hot every time i stopped but the rad, block and pipes felt ok, does my model have an oil cooler, where...
  9. Rangebob

    rock sliders n tree bars

    Ooh, another thing for the list then. This is gonna be a money pit, i can feel it, my wallets already very light.
  10. Rangebob

    rock sliders n tree bars

    can you get rock sliders for a rrc? Sorry for the hi jack.
  11. Rangebob

    Private Plate - L4 NDY

    I.ve got Y100BUG on retention if anyone wants to pretend they don't know what they're drivin! Or if your initials are bug?
  12. Rangebob

    How reliable are LPG conversions?

    It certainly is, my now works van (a transit diesel) is crunching into 3rd, took it to ford, they said they'd adjusted the gear linkage and gave it back to me, just had to take it back cos it's still doing it, they now have admitted it needs some gearbox parts. As i said before, RETARDS! Sorry...
  13. Rangebob

    Can't find link to disco front recovery points

    i dunno how to post a link but if you google mill services click on the first 4x4 link then on the lhs click on discovery and rrc on the left them that's the only product they've got.
  14. Rangebob

    Serious oil leak!

    help, i'm leaking oil an i think it's from the crankshaft main oil seal. It's coming from the very from the very front of the engine and flicking everywhere including onto the exhaust. Does anyone know if these seals can be renewed with the engine still in the rangie or do i gotta take it out...
  15. Rangebob

    Can't find link to disco front recovery points

    oh yeah, was checkin out your disco in your avatar and it inspired me to sort mine out. Now i've finally made my rangie small enough to fit. And it's so small it actually looks ok.
  16. Rangebob

    Can't find link to disco front recovery points

    just found a company on't internet called mill services that sound like they do em, hth. Rob
  17. Rangebob

    Big problem, have had quick search

    surely with the live side of the starter it'll be switched off, unless you've locked a key in the car in the start position? Maybe, see if you can get under it and can release the bonnet from below. Or try another lock. If not, phone the aa, i've done it a couple of times after my ex locked the...
  18. Rangebob

    Can't find link to disco front recovery points

    There was a set on ebay that i was watchin but they've gone now and missed the end of the auction doh! Didn't see the thread you mean but he anyone knows i'll prob be interested in a possible group buy.
  19. Rangebob

    How reliable are LPG conversions?

    dunno but my old works van an lpg ford connect used to burn oil and ford said that was normal and to just keep an eye on it! Not sure if that's just ford being retards and not bothering to repair it properly.
  20. Rangebob

    Classic inner wings

    Thats the one, i thought there was another but that'll do. Looks like i've gotta get me a good welder, anyone know the best sort for this job on a budget? i'll also need some metal and a working fire extinguisher by the looks of it.