1. M

    freelander 2-4 brake timing solenoid valve

    Update Just to let you all know i got a friends mate (works for a main dealer) to do the job for me and its all sorted. the problem was the 3 solenoids metioned. he done the job on my driveway. took him around 4.5 hours as he didnt have the use of a 4 poster, (axle stands had to do!) he...
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    freelander 2-4 brake timing solenoid valve

    Thanks for the info. the guy tells me its the 2 solenoids that i have mentioned in the post but has now told me that the gearbox specialists also change the Line pressure duty solenoid valve. anyway i have convinced my mate to have a word with his friend that works for a LR main dealer to do...
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    freelander 2-4 brake timing solenoid valve

    freelander Td4 Auto. i have a problem with the auto box on my Td4. the symptons are when i pull away in D all is ok untill the change, i get a very loud banging and an iratic gear change. this happens around 80% of the time and the other is a perfect change. i borrowed a laptop from a mate who...
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    auto problem

    I have a 2001 TD4 Auto and have a problem with the auto box. i will try to explain as best as i can! here goes!!!!. as soon as i put the car into Drive i know exactly if this intermitant problem will happen, i get rather an agressive bump at the point i engage the stick, i then drive off to...
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    ird cooler pipes

    Great thanks for your help :)
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    ird cooler pipes

    I have looked at the Rave cd but there is no place on there telling me where to find the drain and fill plugs!!!! or even how much it takes !!!
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    ird cooler pipes

    Thanks for all of your help on the matter. i am going to take your advice and make an air scoop and also change the oil. can you point out where the drain and fill is for please? thanks in advance........
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    ird cooler pipes

    here is a picture of the sqashed pipe. i think that it must of been like this for a long time as i have been smelling coolant when i get out of my landy, it must have been weeping from the pipe untill this week when it decided to break into a full motion waterfall!!
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    ird cooler pipes

    Thanks for your comment. btw it is a diesel auto. i have looked all over to get the info of weather to have it repaired or just leave well alone..
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    ird cooler pipes

    I have a freelander td4 year 2000. sprung a water leak from an ird cooler pipe, i put her onto a ramp to find that the metal pipe that goes into the ird cooler has split but must of been squashed for a long time (maybe on a previous repair) anyway for a temp repair i bypassed it by joining the...
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    new user

    Hi all. I have just purhased a freelander td4 recently. its been around 8 years since i owned a 4x4. i have had 3 discoverys and various others, i needed another as i got myself a caravan last year and needed something to tow it with. Well what can i say, i have had a few little problems and...