
New Member
freelander Td4 Auto.
i have a problem with the auto box on my Td4. the symptons are when i pull away in D all is ok untill the change, i get a very loud banging and an iratic gear change. this happens around 80% of the time and the other is a perfect change.
i borrowed a laptop from a mate who works at a dealer and the diagnostic comes up with (2-4 brake timing solenoid valve/2 4 duty solenoid short)

i have looked at the rave manual on page 349 and this shows all the solenoids.
i would like to have ago at the fix myself but not to sure how to tackle the job as i am not sure if i need to reset the ecu.
also is it a ramp job or can i get the fluid pan off without to much trouble?
It doesn't help you but I think the most anyone here has done is a fluid change which can lead to a smoother change.

It may be because there is difficulty in sourcing parts for the Jatco box. You should speak to an auto specialist....
like chaser says try the oil route first. . . .the high speed g/box solenoids ,some can be changed from under the g/box cowell but others cannot , by what your saying its best to have a propper diagnostic test. . . .:)
Ask your mate that lent you the Testbook to find out from his parts dept the solenoids that you need to change.The oil pan is easy to remove and the solenoids are fairly straightforward to change.A good easy fix - compared to the cost of an exchange box,do the oil as well as a kindness,but it wont be the root of the problem.Done a few of them a while back,but cant remember the exact detail.
Ask your mate that lent you the Testbook to find out from his parts dept the solenoids that you need to change.The oil pan is easy to remove and the solenoids are fairly straightforward to change.A good easy fix - compared to the cost of an exchange box,do the oil as well as a kindness,but it wont be the root of the problem.Done a few of them a while back,but cant remember the exact detail.
Thanks for the info. the guy tells me its the 2 solenoids that i have mentioned in the post but has now told me that the gearbox specialists also change the
Line pressure duty solenoid valve.
anyway i have convinced my mate to have a word with his friend that works for a LR main dealer to do the job for me!!! he will be doing it for me a week today, so i will keep you all informed how it goes. :)

Just to let you all know i got a friends mate (works for a main dealer) to do the job for me and its all sorted. the problem was the 3 solenoids metioned. he done the job on my driveway. took him around 4.5 hours as he didnt have the use of a 4 poster, (axle stands had to do!)
he charged me £220 all including parts and labour. i was well happy with that :):)

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