1. M

    Cubby Box Plans and Dimemsions..

    Lol didn't read the date of the post...I'm all a bit new to this only picked up my defender last week
  2. M

    Cubby Box Plans and Dimemsions..

    Thank you David
  3. M

    Cubby Box Plans and Dimemsions..

    Would £20 cover the postage and a couple of Guinness, save me making one thanks Mark
  4. M

    defender cubby box

    Hi guys, does anyone have plans or diementions to make a cubby box for a Defender
  5. M

    New Defender owner

    Thanks mate, I have installed a removable steering wheel and a pedal box safe. I guess if they really want they will just tow it away
  6. M

    off roading in southwest

    Does anybody do any green laning/ off roading near me. I am in Paignton, Devon. I have just taken ownership of a Defender off roader so i am looking for some like minded souls to join up with.....
  7. M

    New Defender owner

    Hi all,I have just purchased my first Defender, its a 1990 with plenty of mods on it.....