1. S

    Stolen defender

    And a Police Station!
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    Attempted Theft - Wigan

    Spent 30 minutes on hold after phoning 101 on Saturday straight after they tried to nick it, was given a crime number and told that was it for now. If I could get anything from the CCTV they may take another look at it, strong emphasis was on the word may though! There's nothing conclusive on...
  3. S

    Attempted Theft - Wigan

    There maybe a link, but it definitely wasn't the one that turned up here, I'm pretty sure the one from the Middlebrook was a 90, this was a 110 hard top, looked in good condition and not sign written.
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    Attempted Theft - Wigan

    Thanks for the replies and advice, will sort an alarm out, daft I don't as it has a tracker fitted. Not been able to pull much from the CCTV, going to try and go through it in detail today, pretty certain the 110 hardtop they were driving had fake plates on. Apparently we can pull enhanced...
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    Attempted Theft - Wigan

    Not really sure if it merits its own post, but someone tried to break into my much loved 110 this morning so just sharing incase it contains any information that rings true or helps anyone else. Parked outside a Unit I have in Wigan, a blue 110 hardtop pulled up next to mine, partially blocking...
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    Wave Etiquette

    I try and distract mine with waving and being in charge of the CD player, when not waving though she's far more interested in the "little gear stick" which, when she gets arms long enough to reach could be problematic!
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    why is it ???

    I'd always assumed they'd tried to "design" out the issue, on my fuel gage the half way point is closer to being 2/3rds the way around the dial than than the half way mark - still drops like a stone once it gets to half way!
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    Wave Etiquette

    The day I picked up my 110, was driving back, 5 year old daughter in tow, first 90 we passed waved, she was made up, I now get reprimanded if I don't wave with sufficient enthusiasm if she's with me!
  9. S

    Hi! ..& thoughts on Defender for everyday car, please?

    I've had my 110 on an 03 plate so nothing as plush as your looking at since May and its been our main family car since we bought it, we've put the thick end of 5000 miles on it. Its been used daily, my drive to work is currently 80 miles round trip a day and we're just back from a family...
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    Best ever fuel consumption

    My 2003 110 TD5 is averaging 31.59 miles for me over 4100 miles, best is 33.17 and worst is 29.75, but the worst tank did involve a day in the garage trying to fix a random stalling problem, a new earthing wire put in and running it idle for ages to test it had fixed it. I do drive at a...
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    Land Rover Mechanics Course

    I'm in Lancashire and would be interested in something similar if anyone knows of anything, all google has thrown up for me so far is college courses which I'm not sure are the best, for reasons already outlined above. If there's no courses, but any experienced hands would be up for showing...
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    Thank you!

    Just wanted to say a quick thank you, as a long time member and very very infrequent poster I’ve become very accustomed to using the search button, problem with that though is once you’ve found the answer your looking for you tend not to post a thank you so here you go! The vast range and depth...
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    110 as the main family car.

    Thanks for the replies. I probably should have mentioned the wife will be keeping her car, currently a Focus, the most biege of biege small family cars! So there'll always be 2 in the family, but I'd really like to avoid having 3 if I can help it and I know as soon as I splash out on a...
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    110 as the main family car.

    Hi, Was just after some general advice, whilst I don't post much I have become an expert with the search function of the website! My last dabble with a Landrover was a Freelander several years ago, and as many forum members advised then the biggest mistake was letting the wife make the final...
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    Problem starting from cold

    Hi, Thanks again for the replies, markone I don't have any additional lights showing on the dash board, like I say once it started it was fine for the rest of the day. Its strange the last three mornings its been fine, but it has been noticably warmer than previous weeks. I have also added...
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    Problem starting from cold

    Hi, Thanks for the really quick replies, would it be worth trying to clean out the fuel lines before replacing the fuel filter? Is cleaning the fuel line out as easy as going to halfords and buying some treatment and then adding it next time I fill up? It was mean't to have been...
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    Problem starting from cold

    Hi, I've owned my Freelander now for 3 months and its great, especially since most of my teething problems have been sorted under warrenty! But I'm having problems starting from cold first thing in a morning. Its a 2.0 xedi, I presumed it would be the heat plugs so I took it in this week...
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    New owner with a few questions!

    Hi, Thanks for all the replies, Bigstoo, the wife didn't get the final say, just sadly as half the money was hers, the 50% say she did get was enough to stop my prefered purchase! Willo, thanks for the link, those pictures are a great help, I'll give it a bash in the not to distant future...
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    Sorry to ask but......buying advice required

    Hi, Quick update, thanks to every one that replied, unfortunatly the wife ended up having far to much say in the final decision and ended up going for a freelander. Can't say I'm overjoyed, but it was better than the alternatives she was suggesting! As part of the agreement though I'm...
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    New owner with a few questions!

    Hi, After spending much of the year looking for a defender, the wife ended up having the final say and we ended up buying a Freelander, just had one or two questions and any help or pointers greatly appreciated! Its a 1999 2.0 three door XEDI, and we've got a 3 month warrenty on it, so would...