mick the builder

Well-Known Member
I seem to get more mpg from full to half a tank than i do from half a tank to empty. It just seems to need filling up so much quicker from half to empty. Is half way on the guage actually half way in the tank or am i nuts:rolleyes::D.
I seem to get more mpg from full to half a tank than i do from half a tank to empty. It just seems to need filling up so much quicker from half to empty. Is half way on the guage actually half way in the tank or am i nuts:rolleyes::D.

You will notice you can usually (on most vehicles) drive for about 2 gallons worth of fuel before the needle even budges from full, which just isn't technically speaking true because you have just driven a mileage, which based on your MPG will have consumed about x gallons of fuel.

My VW shows full even after driving about 180 miles, which is about 3 gallons of diesel. My Discovery could go about 75 miles and still show full, and my defender is about 60 miles before the needle moves.

The manufacturer is also doing their best to ensure you don't fun out of fuel.
Have a look under your Defender and you'll see how narrow the bottom of the tank is compared to the top :)

Sure, the gauge could have been set to accommodate this but it's a landrover and a basic linear gauge just does the job fine I'm sure :p
dont think any car ive owned has had a guage that drops evenly.

last 2 motors, 406, first 1/4 took ages to drop, 3/4 to 1/3 quick last section slow again till the light came on, then it dropped quickly.
sedona first 1/2 took a while, second 1/2 faster.

cant remember before that.
I'd always assumed they'd tried to "design" out the issue, on my fuel gage the half way point is closer to being 2/3rds the way around the dial than than the half way mark - still drops like a stone once it gets to half way!
My A4 is the same, gauge is full for a few days then takes a few more days to go down a quarter.

Then miraculously quarter to fuel light is between junctions on the motorway! :doh:

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