1. M

    Pay + Play in East Grinstead

    cheers joe will look out regards dave
  2. M

    Pay + Play in East Grinstead

    blue 110 van cheers for advice look forward to it !! what colour is your 90?
  3. M

    Pay + Play in East Grinstead

    Yeah I'm Up For It Not Been Before Would Appreciate Some Tips Etc Only Had Landy For Few Months And Not Got A Winch But Have Got Some Better Tyres Cheers What Time Does It Start? I Heard It Is 25 Quid Is That Right?
  4. M

    Pay + Play in East Grinstead

    when is it? is it any good not been up slindon for a few years!
  5. M

    WANTED: Land Rover 90 Grill

    yeah i have one you can have email your details just give me postage dave
  6. M

    Temp gauge

    try taking fuel light bulb sounds stupid but thats wot started prob!
  7. M

    Final stages of rebuild

    oil this oil that just make sure you dont run dry or overfill! i never change or service its a landy!
  8. M

    four wheel drive

    can someone explain it i have taken rear propshaft off to fit new uj and wanted to move 110 forward but had no drive on front unless was in diff lock but had reverse is this normal?:confused: dave
  9. M

    putting in rear seats in 110

    hi i have been wondering about doing the same what about getting in and out climbing over etc is it really a good idea?
  10. M

    Hi All

    only me! thought i better say hello to all you nutters!