
Well-Known Member

I've just reached 500 miles since my 2.5 N/A rebuild and I've got myself a new oil filter, just need some new engine oil now. What do you recommend? Should I just whack some el-cheapo Asda diesel engine oil in or is there anything a bit better that will benefit my engine to a greater extent?

Am I right in thinking that changing my timing belt should seem like a walk in the park now that I've rebuilt my engine or is it just as tricky a task?

why have you just spent 40 quid on expensive oil and don't want to feel left out!? :D Seriously though, what's the advantage of catsrol maganetc over asdas own ****e free oil?
i dont know im no expert but havin just spent all that time and effort rebuilding your engine dont you think its worth the extra £20 every 6 months to use the best stuff you can rather than some from a cheapo supermarket?!
There int twenty quid difference between Asda cheapo oil an Castrol magnawoteveritscalled it's more or less the same stuff cept fer a fancy spout. get some Comma stuff from yer local autothingies. Not sure about the 2.5 N/A but the turbo one needs some speshull stuff to get the crankshaft nut off an back on again.
this expensive oil thing has bin flogged to death on here. if you all did a search you see that most folk agree wiff mr grunt. get the cheap stuff cos it pretty much as good as the mega expensive stuff.
**** i don't even bother with oil changes at recommended intervals, i tend to change it every two years or so, if it lucky. and i've never had an engine fail because of it
well i personally would wana go with what haynes recommends, dont think its worth messing about when it comes to oils
Oil is a consumer product. It is not priced according to how "good" it is, or how much it costs to produce. The price is set according to the market at which it is pitched.
That's why Ovoline Tractor Universal is the best buy. It's top quality oil, marketed to farmers and sold through agricultural suppliers in large containers.
well i personally would wana go with what haynes recommends, dont think its worth messing about when it comes to oils
is this just an opinion or have you used cheap stuff and had engine failure or other problems because of using cheap stuff?

there are lots of folk on here that use cheap stuff and have no problems and some like meself wot dunt change oil all that often.

if yer int used cheap stuff then yer can't really comment on how good or bad it is, when atleast not with the same certainty as those wot have
Alright thanks, I have been using cheap Asda oil so I'll give some more expensive stuff a shot just to see if there's any difference (which there bloody wont be). That way I can make the decission in the future

Also, my lift pump lever is a bit weak, it works and it does lift fuel but should the lever feel like its working right from the bottom? It only seems to feel like its pumping nearer the end of the movement.


Fuel starvation, take the return pipe off the filter housing an if yer get covered in doozil there's nowt up with it.
I've used the Wilkinsons Diesel oil for the last 5,000 miles with no problems in my 2.5TD running on Waste veg oil/diesel blend.
£7.49 for 5 litres..... unlike lots of them who are doing 4.5 or 4 litre bottles now.
Going to change it soon but looking at the consistency on the dip stick it looks fairly good.

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