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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Windows in next - have the rear ones replaced with 1 piece glass Then the roll cage Then to finish the mechanics and get it running, before starting on the interior..........so much more to do! At least the seats are now finished
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    And the body is finally painted
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Doors have come out good before and after photos
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Then back to the paint shop....
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Then get the body back on the chassis
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    More prep work completed. Underside welded, treated, painted
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Not updated for a while - work, covid etc all hampered progress, but finally taken some steps forward.
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Also a question for the more enlightened out there. Bulk head vents - keep them or seal them? I have aircon on this vehicle and windows that work, so I am tempted to seal the vents and remove the potential danger of water ingress. Any downside to doing this?
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Anyone spot anything wrong with the rear of this 300TDI chassis?
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Latest photos. Build going well (generally), few small challenge to overcome, more on that later.
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Few more photos 1 x knackered steering arm The underneath is not to shabby just needs a damn good wash to start with Some bits to be sandblasted and painted They came up alright and now have the SuperPro bushes in place New Chassis in place, just needs building. Old one now...
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    New here - Defender project underway

    Thanks, have a thread going under Projects - https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/1998-lhd-300tdi-rebuild.358488/#post-4842656 which has more photos etc. Slowly but surely getting there......
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    New here - Defender project underway

    Wheel nuts sorted, finally
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    While the chassis swap is underway, thought I would take a look at the doors and see what state they are in............ Looks like some welding, general clean up to remove rust and new seals, wind runners etc.
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    Knackered steering box.......

    Thanks for all the suggestions. Will be taking a closer look next week when i can get back in the workshop and see if anything can be done. Worse case, I have found a scrap yard with 4 x 300 TDI's, so will go and pull buts from them.
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    Knackered steering box.......

    Hi all Have started a rebuild project - photos can be seen here - https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/1998-lhd-300tdi-rebuild.358488/ The steering box is close to kaput - Lots of play and leaking like a sieve. Under normal circumstances, I would probably order a refurbished one...
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Its been patched up in quite a few places and the rear cross member is cracked. I know it could be repaired and I will get a better idea of the overall condition once it is stripped and cleaned. I am planning on keeping this Defender for a very long time (wife says I am building my own...
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    Into the workshop........... Refurbished transfer box was installed earlier this year.
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    1998 LHD 300TDI rebuild

    The important part......new chassis. Heavy Duty, galvanized and then powder coated