1. W

    Landy Security :(

    My "Sugar" is an '83 110, and I'm ALWAYS worried about locking it ~ TBH, I don't bother round here, but if I have to go into town... I've got the sliding windows in the back (useless for locking), and the main doors aren't brilliant either ~ Does anyone have any solution to make my girlie...
  2. W

    G'Day From Australia.

    Hang on a blummin' minute!!! I posted a "I'm new" post ~ and a "G'day" post ~ and both of the threads have turned into discussions about Alcohol??!!! :rolleyes: I'm being spied on! :cool: :confused: It's a conspiracy between the Russians for stealing so much Vodka, and the bottle bank...
  3. W

    G'Day From Australia.

    G'day Rover One! Sorry, but I don't speak a word of Australian or LandRover-ese, so didn't understand a thing you just said!! :D I'm just a simple farm girl! But welcome to LRZ, I'm a newbie too! Hope things are good down under (!) Suze x
  4. W

    Evening from kent.

    As a very newbie, and not wanting to rock anyone's boat... ... I SERIOUSLY wouldn't pull a horse trailer with Freelander! Can give you a HUGE list of people who've had trouble, and one near fatal accident :eek:
  5. W

    Lady Landy Owner (another Kent resident)

    Ok, ok, I geddit! so ya don't like Pink! :o But "a la Waynetta Slob" ~ I don't like Braaahnnn! :confused: ;) x
  6. W

    Lady Landy Owner (another Kent resident)

    I didn't call her Sugar!! She told me that was her name! :D
  7. W

    Lady Landy Owner (another Kent resident)

    Introducing the beeeautiful Sugar!!
  8. W

    Lady Landy Owner (another Kent resident)

    Hi ~ I've got an old 110 Station Wagon (the old Y reg!) She's called Sugar! :p I know absolutely NOTHING on how she runs, what a rear diff is etc, but she loves the taste of diesel, pulls like a train, and I can fit 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 lambs and 3 bales of hay and the week's shopping in her in...