1. mgd109

    Classic/historic status

    As stated can't be done by post or online. You need to take your V5 and a copy of the V112 MOT exception certificate, you can download here:- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/declaration-of-exemption-from-mot which you can print off at home, to a Post Office that still deals with car...
  2. mgd109

    looking for locking hubs for Series 3

    Although I have don't know the maths I strongly suspect the above is accurate. I base that on two things. As stated above you can spin a half shaft very easily. compare that to trying to push the entire vehicle and I have freewheeling hubs fitted and never noticed any change in braking hubs in...
  3. mgd109

    Rear wheel sticks

    Can't imagine any issue that would cause one wheel to lock on by simply adding brake fluid. Having a wobble in the wheel would suggest the drum is not fitted flush against the hub if that's the case the drum must be fouling on something not allowing it to get fully against the hub, badly made or...
  4. mgd109

    George's 1964 Series 2a Station Wagon restoration.

    Welcome, Enjoy the journey.
  5. mgd109

    Series 3 Series 3 Restoration Project "Rustbucket"

    I find the parts catalogue fairly invaluable as well.
  6. mgd109

    Bulkhead Recommendations and MOT Tax Exemption.

    I don;t think any "law" has been broken. As above from yfo886. If it's off the road before SORN was compulsory no problem. If you don't tax or SORN since it has been compulsory you are automatically fined. Anyway V5C has arrived back from the DVLA and vehicle now taxed.
  7. mgd109

    Bulkhead Recommendations and MOT Tax Exemption.

    Which law are you referring too?
  8. mgd109

    Snail Cams, brake adjusters

    Strongly suspect that is the case the smaller silver ones where needed for my LWB front (twin leading shoe). Can't comment rear.
  9. mgd109

    2.5NA rewire - Autosparks

    Kind offer many thanks. It's going to be some time before the wiring will be addressed. I did fit a second battery but simply wired it in parallel to the main battery (both batteries where same make, model and capacity). It did not cause me any issues but a split charge system would be an...
  10. mgd109

    2.5NA rewire - Autosparks

    Lancashire, where the moors are red and skies are grey. Neat install. In my experience the neater it's laid out and tidier it looks the better all the bits you can't see will be (crimping the terminals, proper grommets through bulkhead/panels) attention to detail tends to extend throughout.
  11. mgd109

    2.5NA rewire - Autosparks

    Excellent way to go about it and doable for anybody with an ounce of mechanical/logical aptitude. With a little more understanding it's possible to make your own "improvements" to the original. The series 3 I rewired was not my vehicle, I was asked to help out as the owner was carrying out an...
  12. mgd109

    2.5NA rewire - Autosparks

    Could you not build your own loom? I've done it to a series 3 in the past and I'll do it to my current rebuild, if it's being done as part of a vehicle restoration it's not that tricky as access tends not to be a problem. I've got no experience of early 90s electrics but can't imagine at 88 they...
  13. mgd109

    Any performance to be gained?

    An often overlooked advantage of the OD is the "split gear" 3rd +OD, I've never worked the gear ratio out but it does feel nicely placed between 3rd and 4th . You soon develop the technique of changing OD and Primary gearleaver at the same time, you go 1st, 2nd, 3rd as normal then OD in from...
  14. mgd109

    Bulkhead Recommendations and MOT Tax Exemption.

    Just to confirm what others have posted. Went down to the Post Office today to sort out tax change to historic vehicle status. It felt criminally easy to do. Armed with nothing more than the V5 and V112 form (printed at home) no insurance required and no problem it has never been SORN'd. Given...
  15. mgd109

    Chassis selection

    I did mine 30 years ago. Vehicle is now going through it's second rebuild. The chassis is still sound no holes anywhere. However there is surface rust in some odd areas.The normal rust prone suspects of outriggers, rear cross member and front dumb irons are unaffected, but I have surface rust on...
  16. mgd109

    SUMP REQUIRED 2 1/4 Diesel PLEASE!!!!

    That is the definition of an insurance write off, when repair cost are greater than the vehicle value,not just that damage is so severe it should not be back on the road, the car has been written off. You are absolutely correct that it can go back on the road (unlike cat A and B). But it will be...
  17. mgd109

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Projector Headlight Query

    Apologies for not having any definitive answers regards Freelander projectors but the example in the video appears to be a factory fitted HID, if that's the case have a hunt around for some secondhand, if your vehicle has some form of auto self-leveling and headlamp wash it would be a fairly...
  18. mgd109

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Projector Headlight Query

    No on a d1 it's the igniter the ballast sits off the bulb on d2 variants the ballast and igniter are combined in one unit and sits off the bulb. I have no experience of the particular projector fitted in your Freelander but I've plenty of experience of projector headlamps in other applications...
  19. mgd109

    mazda 3.5 need help

    If you don't know where the bleed screw is on the dissy pump as an alternative most diesels can be bled by slackening the union between the injector and the feed pipe then turning the engine over on the starter. Once you are getting regular pulses of fuel out of the joint tighten them up,
  20. mgd109

    Starting 110 in reverse gear - just to move a few feet

    This would be the order I'd attempt things. 1 Release the wheel. As stated bit of a tap with the Thor hammer or wheel off get to the route of the problem. 2 Pull it back with hand winch? Depends what you have to hand but just about every Land Rover owner I know has some sort of hand winch. 3...