I rebuilt a second hand bulkhead then had it shot blasted and galvanised cost me close to £300 to have it blasted and galvanised.
Plus the many hours to make it good that was in 2010 no issues yet. Other than paint lifting off galvanising as I did not T wash it just etch prime.
If it cost you £300 just to blast and galv, the £850 I paid and the £775 @mgd109 has been quoted seems incredibly reasonable considering that includes and acid dip to strip it, and all of the parts and labour for the repair work required!
Bulkhead out today. Be at least a week before I can get back to the Land Rover to fully strip the bulkhead but little and often.


And from the sublime to the completely bloody ridiculous. It's actually nearly 34 years ago that as a teenager I bought my Land Rover. It was my second car and I've never bought a car for myself since (why would you). So the only motorized transportation I have is my motorbike (OK currently have four of those) but this morning there was quite a bit of ice about! Not ideal on two wheels so the only way to travel the 12 miles to where the vehicle is being rebuilt was by trike.

Bulkhead fully stripped yesterday, Classic Bulkheads have suggested a turn around in as little as 8 weeks if I can get it to them before Christmas. I've got transportation arranged for Wednesday


Front springs are a mess. U bolts on the off side needed to be cut. They were under a lot of tension due to the expansion of the springs caused by the corrosion. It was like a gunshot when they were cut.

Just to confirm what others have posted. Went down to the Post Office today to sort out tax change to historic vehicle status. It felt criminally easy to do. Armed with nothing more than the V5 and V112 form (printed at home) no insurance required and no problem it has never been SORN'd. Given it's current state it does feel a bit laughable I can declare it MOT exempt, it's never been less likely to pass an MOT in it's entire life.

Bulkhead is with Classic Bulkheads
Front axle cleaned up
New front wheel cylinders and brake shoes fitted.
The SORN used to be an annual thing but recently it changed. Now once you SORN it you don't need to notify DVLA again.
Regarding the Historic Vehicle class now not needing an annual MOT test, while this is true, you are still required to maintain the vehicle in a roadworthy condition.

If you have any sense at all you'll continue to take it for a voluntary MOT test.

The crazy thing is that before they decided to waive the MOT test, the government consulted car clubs and other various motoring organisations for their input. They conducted reviews of the number of accidents and number of fatalities involving vehicles of this age and despite most organisations suggesting that it would be a bad idea to waive the MOT, they went ahead anyway stating that the number of deaths and serious accidents involving vehicles of this age was a tiny percentage of the overall carnage motorists experience.
It seems more and more people want to come clean about breaking the law regarding vehicles. I’m not sure a public forum is the place to fess up and give excuses. Equally I’m not sure it’s appropriate for enthusiasts to forward ways round the law. It can’t do the site any favours either.
Nice to see another restoration and hope it goes well.
Coming clean about breaking the SORN law? How?
If you mean declaring that they have a vehicle that they never SORNED and then worry about what will happen when they go to tax it again, as long as the vehicle wasn't taxed when the SORN law came into being, they haven't broken any law. It only related to vehicles currently taxed at the time which when the tax expired had to either tax it again or register it off road 'SORNED'. I have two vehicles that have never been SORNED because they weren't taxed at the time. A third that was and had to annually register it off road again. Got fined one year when my returned SORN form 'got lost in the post'. Absolutely no point in arguing the fact i'd sent it off. Had to pay. Was so glad when you could do it online and get a confirmation email!
If you don't mean that, i don't have a clue what ya talking about...
None sorn.
I don;t think any "law" has been broken. As above from yfo886. If it's off the road before SORN was compulsory no problem. If you don't tax or SORN since it has been compulsory you are automatically fined. Anyway V5C has arrived back from the DVLA and vehicle now taxed.
I don;t think any "law" has been broken. As above from yfo886. If it's off the road before SORN was compulsory no problem. If you don't tax or SORN since it has been compulsory you are automatically fined. Anyway V5C has arrived back from the DVLA and vehicle now taxed.
Good man.

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