1. O

    110 whine

    I haven’t fixed it yet a job for the new year but 90% certain it’s the transfer box, the engine and gearbox have only done 90000 miles but the transfer box 190000 so a new box and clutch whilst there will be the name of the game.
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    110 whine

    You would think they would be tapered wouldn’t you, I have just put it back in now and put some ptfe tap on too and done it so its level with the case it’s not tight though, it’s the sort of mistake you only make once!!!! my friend a complete Landrover freak has done it too years ago but only once.
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    110 whine

  4. O

    110 whine

    O **** I checked the transfer box oil which was ok went to the rear diff needed just a little oil, Done up the filler and the bloody thing disappeared into the diff!!!!? Luckily it’s a Salisbury so off with the back plate now waiting for a new gasket, is this a stupid design or perhaps it’s me...
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    110 whine

    Thankyou good tips here, I will start with the oils and check the wheel bearings I can manage that, it’s booked in for a service in two weeks time so I will get them to check the other stuff, just what I needed to hear
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    110 whine

  7. O

    110 whine

    Good morning everyone I have practically now given up ever finding where the rain comes in on my 110 roof so on another note I could do with your help please, I seem to have a transmission whine been there a while I thought it was the roof box until I took it off. You mainly hear it when slowing...
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    Water leak

    I wondered if it could be from the capping, 3 or 4 years ago it was refurbed and the leak started then, I have some captain tolleys will give it a go. many thanks
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    Water leak

    The water leak I am trying to fix now in my defender is in the rear corner it’s directly around the angled panel inside which houses the fuel cap, the lights are dry and it’s not coming from there which seems the logical place, also it seems to be leaking around that angled panel, if anyone has...
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    300 tdi problem brewing

    Help please had my Defender serviced about a month ago and all been fine but 3 or 4 times recently when it has stood a couple of days on the first turn of the key it did not start which is very unusual send turn it reluctantly catches on and goes. Something brewing here to me it seems like fuel...
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    110 indicater problem

    Thank you everyone for your help I was about to take the headlight stuff off and only got as far as the sidelight and bingo the screw was loose which holds the copper metal strip which I assume is the earth tightened it and done. I would quite like to understand why this effected all the lights...
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    110 indicater problem

    Thankyou and yes I will do just that
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    110 indicater problem

    Can anyone help please, my 1989 own owner 110 seems to have an indicater problem, they are ok when the lights are off or side lights are on but soon as the headlight are turned on the right side stops working and is on but dim and not flashing and the dash light glows. Any advice will be...