old chap

Can anyone help please, my 1989 own owner 110 seems to have an indicater problem, they are ok when the lights are off or side lights are on but soon as the headlight are turned on the right side stops working and is on but dim and not flashing and the dash light glows.
Any advice will be appreciated as I am hopeless with electrics.
Check earths etc, maybe there is a wiring problem between the indicator and headlight circuits
Agree earths. Also check indicator bulb holders for yuk.
Easy stuff first:)

Use a temporary wire to connect a new earth into the indicator earth wire and see if it sorts the problem.
I'd agree and earth's can be a nightmare with intermittent symptoms
If you want an easy fix that's guaranteed to work, just slap an Audi badge on it! Indicators no longer required!!
Can anyone help please, my 1989 own owner 110 seems to have an indicater problem, they are ok when the lights are off or side lights are on but soon as the headlight are turned on the right side stops working and is on but dim and not flashing and the dash light glows.
Any advice will be appreciated as I am hopeless with electrics.
Thank you everyone for your help I was about to take the headlight stuff off and only got as far as the sidelight and bingo the screw was loose which holds the copper metal strip which I assume is the earth tightened it and done.
I would quite like to understand why this effected all the lights on the right side including indicaters.
Thanks again
Never have problems on a glass fibre car with the earth wire but on an all metal land rover, it is a well known foible.
Without a good earth connection to the indicator, the earth wiring in the area becomes live, and leaks current back to earth via the rest of the earth wiring/bodywork - sometimes this includes through other bulbs.

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