1. Mutleysnuts

    Quick Question

    Crisis ?..........what crisis ?
  2. Mutleysnuts

    Hello all

    Welcome my friend :) It rains very occasionally here too and on the odd day it dosen't we have a hose-pipe ban ! Welcome to the group Steve
  3. Mutleysnuts

    About to pick up my first Landy!

    welcome mate pics would be nice ..........which reminds me i must put one of mine up Steve
  4. Mutleysnuts


    See look what youv'e started Stu .......so its deffo ether a 2 2a or more likely a 3 with metal grille ! Its most certainly not a lightweight and before anyone suggests it's a 101 that shrunk in the wash i think we can rule that out........I am sure you will come to appreciate the pearls of...
  5. Mutleysnuts

    Hi All

    Greetings Mud :)
  6. Mutleysnuts


    Oh and i think it's a 2A ?....
  7. Mutleysnuts


    Welcome mate i am sure youll get lots o help here and your Landy looks very nice indeed :)
  8. Mutleysnuts

    Cubby Box

    Welcome to you both :D As for a cubby boxes .......well if your'e handy with a jig saw and providing you still have the box you could always have a go at making your own ?....then you can tailor it to your own needs ie cup holders etc ...i made one for my series 3 some years ago and i dont mind...
  9. Mutleysnuts

    Speaker positions ??

    Cheers again excellent job too .........i have changed the head unit to a Dab unit today and all is well that end ill do the rear speakers over the weekend thanks again Steve :)
  10. Mutleysnuts

    Lady Landy Owner (another Kent resident)

    Welome Woo Hoo im a new recruit here myself only just taken delivery of my 90 TD5 last Saturday. For what its worth some close friends of mine have just had a TD5 110 proffesionally re-built annd pro-sprayed and its the biggest pinkest Landy you ever did see .........Yes it's a Landy that is...
  11. Mutleysnuts

    Speaker positions ??

    Thanks for the tip achuakh, I have been thinking about fabbing up something to house the speakers in and having them at the rear at high level as i think too far down will be open to damage and not ideal for the sound quality anyway.I don't suppose you have a picture of the finished article do...
  12. Mutleysnuts

    Speaker positions ??

    Afternoon all, I have just bought a 2003 TD5 90 S.W and want to fit extra speakers in the back. Has anyone else done this and if so where do you recommend putting the speakers as i am finding somwhere to fit them nigh on impossible ? Steve
  13. Mutleysnuts

    Clutching at Claws ?

    :D Cheers Garth i'll raid my piggy bank tomorrow as i'm picking up my TD5 in the morning and when its on the drive thats where i want it to stay ! While i'm on has anyone tried fitting a Dab radio into a Landy yet ?... Steve
  14. Mutleysnuts

    Clutching at Claws ?

    The Loc-king device looks like just what i'm after ........cheers :)
  15. Mutleysnuts

    Clutching at Claws ?

    It' a security clamp it fits across the break and clutch pedals
  16. Mutleysnuts

    Clutching at Claws ?

    Hi all can anyone please point me towards a site where i can actually purchase one o those 'Clutch-Claw' devices ?...i have seen them advertised on several sites, but for the life of me i cant find anywhere that actually states how much they are........or is it just me being thick ? While im on...
  17. Mutleysnuts

    A bar ?

    Can anyone tell me what the legal requirements of fitting an A bar to the front of my TD5 90 are ? I used to have a full wrap around on my series 3, but that was many years ago. Are there specific sizes, materials and shapes ? I am only looking to fit an A bar. Steve :confused:
  18. Mutleysnuts

    new member

    Greetings both, being a newcomer myself i just wanted to say hi and when i collect my TD5 (which can't come soon enough) i too am looking forward to a little off roading. By the way ....with me being a junior member get me in half price anywhere ?:D Steve
  19. Mutleysnuts

    Snorkel or High level air intake ?

    :) Evening folks , this is my second post as i am very much a newcomer to this site however i have question that may have been asked on many occassion,but i have started so i'll finish. I am about to collect a 2003 TD5 and for no other reason than looks i would like to fit a high level air...
  20. Mutleysnuts

    Hello Folks !

    Hi all, Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I have this very day ignored all what seems common sense and bought myself a new ( well new to me anyway ) a Defender TD5 90 County and to say i cant wait until the dealership say i can fetch her the better. I used to have a series 3 in the...