
New Member
Hi. I am a college student doing a research paper about the midlife crisis. I was hoping that you could help me by competing my survey. I am trying to prove its significance as an international phenomena and its relevance within our society. I would be greatly appreciative of your participation in a quick survey related to these issues. It will only take a few minutes of your time. It is completely anonymous and you will not be spammed because your email address is not requested.

The Midlife Crisis Affect - Survey powered by

Thanks for your time regardless
im too young to fill your survey!Result!
Although i do act like im having a midlife crisis, new motor i dont need, just binned the missus for a new one, booking holidays i cant afford.Not bald yet though, just fat.
yu wanna speak to the other septic on here - ye is doin the same thing.:rolleyes:
Least this septic had the courtesy to post his spam on the Intro page - the other one couldn't even be bothered to introduce i didn't make the effort to even remember his name!!:D :D
try getting up about 4:30 if yer wanna catch me with yer whooshessss.
nah scrub that you'd have to get up before yer wint to bed to acheive that
think what the slob meister means is that he was whooshing your whoosh before you realised and whooshed his whoosh of your whoosh ;)
So i guess i'm too late again fer a good Whooshin then - i'll set me clock fer 4 next time!!

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