1. EOD Bob

    Wiring a hidden power isolating switch

    Thanks very much, I’ll check it out tomorrow on my computer, it’s not so easy on the phone! Is there a website or link that you’d recommend for these pdf documents as I don’t seem to have much luck with what I put into Google? Thanks buddy, got it now and read the fuel system section...
  2. EOD Bob

    Wiring a hidden power isolating switch

    Thanks Mad Hat Man, I found the workshop manual and loads of other stuff but cant find the RAVE for the Defender TD5 1997 -2001, I can find just about any other variant but not this!:(
  3. EOD Bob

    Wiring a hidden power isolating switch

    Hi all, I realise this has been discussed a zillion times before and from what I can make out often basic but mixed messages depending on exactly how the question is asked...... Incidentally this is for a TD5 90, 2001. Here's what I want to achieve. I want to fit a hidden switch (not the...
  4. EOD Bob

    Hi everyone!

    Hellloooo and welcome from another newbie!
  5. EOD Bob

    Vehicle Tracking: A Beginners Guide

    Thanks Hippo, I had read this previously and found it very useful. I posed my question here as was wondering if theres been any updates or changes to the technology which would make a difference one way or another.
  6. EOD Bob

    Vehicle Tracking: A Beginners Guide

    Hi Hippo and Co, been reading all over the place about trackers and am still none the wiser of what to go for.... I understand the concept and how they work and want to buy one that comes recommended and from a reputable manufacturer/supplier. Most appear to offer a similar package of services...
  7. EOD Bob

    Newbie to site - Devon

    Yep your correct with the "EOD", trying to find an original name was getting frustrating so simply reverted to the start of an old work email address. Only been here 10 years so fairly immune to any insults based on location....:p
  8. EOD Bob

    Newbie to site - Devon

    Thanks DiscoBFG, thanks for the advice - when I started down this road I never dreamt in my wildest dreams that these would be so stealable!!!
  9. EOD Bob

    Newbie to site - Devon

    Thanks Pourpickleboy
  10. EOD Bob

    Newbie to site - Devon

    Yep, used Brookwells already! Bought the dog guard there for Mike to fit for me whilst he's still got it.
  11. EOD Bob

    Newbie to site - Devon

    Thanks for all of that from the oppositions point of view Hippo..... I'll add all those thoughts to my hit list.
  12. EOD Bob

    Newbie to site - Devon

    Thanks very much for your message Badger, all points noted and I think your probably bang on the money! My postcode will be getting removed any minute now.... I only added it as it was part of the joining process and I hadnt realised I was advertising my location!!! Thanks for the offer, I...
  13. EOD Bob

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome from another Newbie!
  14. EOD Bob

    Newbie to site - Devon

    Thanks for the reply Knappster, Ive attached a pic of my Landie but this is prior to any of the work being undertaken, I will repost once I take delivery. At the moment its pretty much as it came out of the factory apart from the obvious things you can see in the pic, so security is virtually...
  15. EOD Bob

    Newbie to site - Devon

    Thanks Doriz
  16. EOD Bob

    Newbie to site - Devon

    Thanks Hippo
  17. EOD Bob

    Newbie to site - Devon

    Hi All, been rattling around in Landrovers from the early 70's when our Scout Troop had an early LWB Series with a canvas top, spent many a happy hour travelling in the back of her on top of all our camping kit - long before the dreaded H&S. Joined the Navy and then spent 20 odd years charging...