Hi All, been rattling around in Landrovers from the early 70's when our Scout Troop had an early LWB Series with a canvas top, spent many a happy hour travelling in the back of her on top of all our camping kit - long before the dreaded H&S. Joined the Navy and then spent 20 odd years charging slowly around the countryside in different Landy's usually with red painted wings. I owned a Disco 2 for about 4 years but once one thing started to go wrong and then the next the writing was on the wall and I wasnt in a position to do anything myself then. Have now just bought a 2001 TD5 90, paid fair money for it from a LR specialist in Devon who only specialises in Defenders and a few earlier Freelanders etc, should be taking it home shortly, she will have had a massive overhaul and be good for many a year with the general stuff to repair and fix I'd expect from a Defender.

Saw on here an aged post titled something like "answers to all the stupid questions Newbies ask" but it didnt have any attachments or contents, any idea if that still exists anywhere? Cheers all.
Welcome to the forum
Hi and welcome!

Any pics of the new Landy??? It’s also very wise to invest in some decent security for it...
Hi and welcome!

Any pics of the new Landy??? It’s also very wise to invest in some decent security for it...

DEF 90 1.jpg
Thanks for the reply Knappster, Ive attached a pic of my Landie but this is prior to any of the work being undertaken, I will repost once I take delivery.

At the moment its pretty much as it came out of the factory apart from the obvious things you can see in the pic, so security is virtually nil!! Ive been looking at several "visual" deterrents like window glass etching, deadlocks and a fold down pedal lock. Have also been considering a simple hidden battery isolating switch, but not sure on this. A good quality immobiliser seems a good bet but from what I understand many are quite easily by-passed and also most the decent ones appear to come with some kind of a tracking device which you have to pay a monthly subscription for, I was keen to try and stop it getting nicked in the first place but I supposed this would be a valuable investment if it was. Any advice on security measures people think suitable would be most welcome. Cheers
I'm always wary of anyone claiming to be a ' specialist ' ... Where did you buy it from?

Posting your postcode isn't the best idea either ;) people can follow your posts regarding a new owner doing bits to their landy, even security stuff, and they know where you are now, maybe change it to Kingskerswell or even just Devon :D

I'm up the road from you in Marldon, if you get stuck or want to pop round for a natter, drop me a pm :D
When thinking about security options tis always a good idea to take advise from those who nick tratters to help fund the cost of running their Freelanders...

Eye always look fer the easy ones to physically tow away. Anything that alerts someone to it being nicked like an alarm is annoying. Trackers are good but they can be disabled. The thing eye dun't like about them is some provide a warning as yer start towing it away, alerting the owner something is happening.
I'm always wary of anyone claiming to be a ' specialist ' ... Where did you buy it from?

Posting your postcode isn't the best idea either ;) people can follow your posts regarding a new owner doing bits to their landy, even security stuff, and they know where you are now, maybe change it to Kingskerswell or even just Devon :D

I'm up the road from you in Marldon, if you get stuck or want to pop round for a natter, drop me a pm :D

Thanks very much for your message Badger, all points noted and I think your probably bang on the money! My postcode will be getting removed any minute now.... I only added it as it was part of the joining process and I hadnt realised I was advertising my location!!!

Thanks for the offer, I wont go into it on here but I wont be around until April but will likely give you a shout then. I hope you don't let out a tutting sound from between your teeth but I bought this from Mike Harding LR's out at Bovey, I had a lot of good feed back about them prior to buying and found the guys to be very pleasant and far from the hard sell.
Haha no, Mike is a dealership with a few nice trucks in the yard. I've never dealt with him myself, i use brookwells next door quite alot, they're a friendly bunch and i imagine you'll end up using them alot in the future ;)

Your welcome whenever you're around :)
When thinking about security options tis always a good idea to take advise from those who nick tratters to help fund the cost of running their Freelanders...

Eye always look fer the easy ones to physically tow away. Anything that alerts someone to it being nicked like an alarm is annoying. Trackers are good but they can be disabled. The thing eye dun't like about them is some provide a warning as yer start towing it away, alerting the owner something is happening.

Thanks for all of that from the oppositions point of view Hippo..... I'll add all those thoughts to my hit list.
Haha no, Mike is a dealership with a few nice trucks in the yard. I've never dealt with him myself, i use brookwells next door quite alot, they're a friendly bunch and i imagine you'll end up using them alot in the future ;)

Your welcome whenever you're around :)

Yep, used Brookwells already! Bought the dog guard there for Mike to fit for me whilst he's still got it.
Smart tool that :) Welcome aboard :)

me thinks a tracker would be a good call on something that nice ;) - there's a thread on here full of good advice, and several alternative ways of doing it :)
Smart tool that :) Welcome aboard :)

me thinks a tracker would be a good call on something that nice ;) - there's a thread on here full of good advice, and several alternative ways of doing it :)
Thanks DiscoBFG, thanks for the advice - when I started down this road I never dreamt in my wildest dreams that these would be so stealable!!!
Explosives Ordnance Disposal?

I used to live in Newton... and work near Denbury. I would say something nice about the place, so here goes.

At least it’s better than being in Cornwall :D
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Explosives Ordnance Disposal?

I used to live in Newton... and work near Denbury. I would say something nice about the place, so here goes.

At least it’s better than being in Cornwall :D
Yep your correct with the "EOD", trying to find an original name was getting frustrating so simply reverted to the start of an old work email address. Only been here 10 years so fairly immune to any insults based on location....:p

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