1. D

    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Thanks. I'll open it up tomorrow and take some pics. Cheers... and Happy New Year's Eve.
  2. D

    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Thanks for your patience. Finally got some photos of the throttle mechanism...
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    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Cheers. I appreciate it. An easy fix would make my Christmas! Haha.
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    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Sorry chaps... been stuck in work for past days... so haven't had opportunity to take photos in the daylight. SHould be able to get photos up in a couple of days (hoping to have a day off on 31st and/or 1st). (Do I just click on 'Upload a File' to upload a photo - or do I have to set up an...
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    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    I tried from inside the cab... ie by pressing the throttle pedal. But I haven't tried while the engine is running (to be honest, I'm a bit scared letting it run for more than a few seconds... as the timing belt is a good 10 to 11 years old - even though it's probably not run for more than about...
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    Starting 110 in reverse gear - just to move a few feet

    So... after 10 years of neglect, my 300tdi 110 has got 10 years of problems for me to fix (still investigating starting issue - from other thread). However, in the short term, I need to move it backwards a few feet (for access to other machines). But one of the rear wheels is jammed solid (I've...
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    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Thanks for the info. Having moved and rapidly released the throttle lever several times... there's still no change in starting habit (ie it goes to full revs). As I look at the IP... which bit is the Governor (so I can work out where to hit it)? Would applying some heat help to ungum the...
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    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Hahaha.... that's something to look forward to!
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    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Thanks again. I'm learning so much here. Really appreciate everyone's help.
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    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    It's a long story! But... when it was parked up it was a runner. No issues at all. Just life got in the way!
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    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Thanks again. I'll get some diesel magic when the shops open again.
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    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Thanks for the info. I'll get some photos up tomorrow - when there's some light. The accelerator pedal does look like it's in a semi depressed position (However, I haven't driven the car for so many years... so I could be wrong). (Again, sorry for starting new thread... thought it was the...
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    Starting a diesel LR for the first time in over 10 years!

    Sorry! I only started a new thread to make the new issue easier for people to search in years to come! Sorry if that was the wrong thing to do.
  14. D

    Starting a diesel LR for the first time in over 10 years!

    Thanks for the info. I'll get some photos up tomorrow - when there's some light. The accelerator pedal does look like it's in a semi depressed position (However, I haven't driven the car for so many years... so I could be wrong).
  15. D

    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Errr... no I haven't fitted a new fuel filter. Guess that would be a good thing to do. Thanks for the advice
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    300Tdi revs to the max when starting - and won't settle down

    Masses of smoke the first time I got it running. Not sure about subsequent times. I'll give it another go tomorrow and observe. The diesel is pretty old (about 10 years)... so does that qualify as 'crap in the system'?
  17. D

    Starting a diesel LR for the first time in over 10 years!

    So does that mean a new fuel injection pump... or can I hit with a hammer??? Hahaha
  18. D

    Starting a diesel LR for the first time in over 10 years!

    Thanks. Interesting point. Every time I killed the ignition... the engine stopped instantly. If an engine starts to run on it's own sump oil... how do you stop it?