1. Robke

    just bought another un

    realy , you do expect him to respond now donĀ“t you..............do you have a lot of time???
  2. Robke

    Serious Soundproofing for a 110

    still happy with it...?
  3. Robke

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    changed wipers today f*ck thats nr 1000 isn't it
  4. Robke

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    i like stickers too , but yet have only one:(
  5. Robke

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    but but , you said you bought it this year and painted it PINK , who has worked on yor car and didn't see it was a rotten egg and needed repairing in a major way , or did you just hit the a pillar:confused:
  6. Robke

    who needs the haynes book of lies?

    Good un , thanks
  7. Robke

    Broken .... stuck .... damage etc

    A. sfunny , but you'r shure you did wake up allready:rolleyes: B. sprobebly true C.:eek::eek::eek::eek: , eggspleen ( i think:rolleyes:)
  8. Robke

    Bio or not to Bio

    hahahaha , noop , no questions about tiresizes or HoHo gas , don't worry , just wanted to make sure. Thanks Odenne
  9. Robke

    Help Please by novice, 4wd

    If you move the lever over to the left it should go in to "lock" , there should be a orange light burning on your dash. Don't drive on the normal roads in this position , it will break stuff:eek:
  10. Robke

    Bio or not to Bio

    Hi all They started selling biodiesel overhere , 1.18 euro per liter , it's a mix of 10% vegoil and 90% diesel. Can i put this in my 200Tdi without problems? or do i have to change filters or something? Thanks i.a. Rob
  11. Robke

    am i being stupid and blind

    put a pic here of your swivel housings
  12. Robke

    Broken .... stuck .... damage etc

    Why , do you like funny smells in your Disco when he's sh*tting his pants:eek:;)
  13. Robke

    Broken .... stuck .... damage etc

    :eek::eek: so your a liar , you naughty boy , your not allowed to lie , now go to the kitchen and clean your mouth with soap and then stand in the corner for an hour or so:rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D
  14. Robke

    Help Please by novice, 4wd

    doubt it:eek::eek::eek::rolleyes: Lets try to help him , after a long study of a) the manual , b) the f**king knob , c) the little sticker inside the sunblind wich explains to do what at wich speeds , d) use the search function of this here forum i would say it could be : move the little lever...
  15. Robke

    junior member? senior member?

    thought it was the amount of bollox you could type down in one minute or in one go:eek: :eek: :eek: :cool: :cool: :D :D
  16. Robke

    Halfwits green lane diary 1

    dents are like scarfs , they give it caracter , it are the unspoken facts that state you had a good time
  17. Robke

    Budget strengthened trailing arms .......

    i like them , gonna make them too , thanks for the piccies
  18. Robke

    Rave Cd

    Well , that don't work :(:(:confused:
  19. Robke

    Interesting flea-bay item

    trailer has just 3 wheels , maybe you need a trailer to move the trailer
  20. Robke

    Problem with ozie HELP puleeeeze

    And you are right , wrong map datums , all problems solved , thanks for the tip