1. lohtse

    A little wonder in the Peaks

    Doing what may I ask?
  2. lohtse

    A little wonder in the Peaks

    we can but try!
  3. lohtse

    A little wonder in the Peaks

    Glad to see someone else feels same way about FaceArse...
  4. lohtse

    A little wonder in the Peaks

    was trying to get a few hippos out hence this section.... but is open to all...
  5. lohtse

    A little wonder in the Peaks

    no takers?
  6. lohtse

    A little wonder in the Peaks

    Hi guys Simple Question really Who's up for a wonder in the Peak district? let me know and if theres enough interest we will sort dates etc out.. regards lohtse
  7. lohtse

    Ban 4x4 off-roading in Lake District, campaigners say

    Actually I am in complete favour of some paths open to only walkers and mountain bikers being shut down to allow them to be repaired or to naturally regenerate. I feel that SOME walkers, day trippers and outdoor folks feel entitled to do as they please without and thought for others or mother...
  8. lohtse

    Ban 4x4 off-roading in Lake District, campaigners say

    Just like the above poster I do agree that they should be closed OR a permit system like another well known lane in the lakes introduced.... I work both as an outward bound instructor in the Lakes regularly and occassionally in a SAR role too. And these tracks have become herrendous due to...
  9. lohtse

    So what would you recommend??

    One of are recent adventures
  10. lohtse

    Machete for Greenlaning

    if you are near ripley(or notts) drop in to anchor supplies, They have Ex brit army machettes for sale.. can't remember price...Just know I can get em cheaper from them so if you are Ex army or emergency services they give 10% discount to
  11. lohtse

    So what would you recommend??

    So whos up for join us soon??? Happy for the company etc and besides it's more fun with others!
  12. lohtse

    Freelander 1 Lift kit?

    Ok So I keep seeing this mentioned, Mentioned to my partner as the FL1(2005) TD4 is her's and she is interested in this... Mine and her question is What, How and how much? Any advice is welcome. regards Lohtse
  13. lohtse

    So what would you recommend??

    cool will have to sort something out.... there's a new one(for us) we are off to play on soon...
  14. lohtse

    So what would you recommend??

    There's a few average lanes near us as long as you don't mind following a freelander or two.... Welcome to come and join us(every othere weekendish)
  15. lohtse

    So what would you recommend??

    your evil
  16. lohtse

    So what would you recommend??

    She REALLY does NOT like the new models!!!!
  17. lohtse

    So what would you recommend??

    She just told me she was behind a disco sport today with a barbie driver at the wheel and she want to push it off the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek:
  18. lohtse

    So what would you recommend??

    :D:D:D:D:D:D:D will not tell her that bit!
  19. lohtse

    So what would you recommend??

    lol she you didn't have a dashcam running to capture the moment!!