1. Numbersix

    Series landie paint advice

    Cheers guys. Limestone it is for the roof and sides and pastel green for the body then. Im looking forward to giving the old girl a tidy up! Never thought about retuning to the pastel green until now but ive seen some very tidy landies in that colour and they do look good.
  2. Numbersix

    Series landie paint advice

    That's great, Many thanks for the reply! Didn't think to check out paddock so good to know they do it. Im assuming limestone is off white enough to do the back and roof ok?
  3. Numbersix

    Series landie paint advice

    Hi all, The time has come to treat my 109 to some new paint and in order to keep costs down I have been researching roller applied paints such as military vehicle paint and rustoleum paint etc. Currently it is white all over but the original paint in the cab and under bonnet is that pale...
  4. Numbersix

    V8 gearbox on series gearbox?

    Hi all, Im new to this forum and my interest (one of them) lies in series landies which I use for work and general carting stuff about! What Id like to know is whether a land rover V8 engine will work with a series gearbox? Having only run landies with their original engines (2 1/4 petrols and...