1. S

    Failed Crank Bearings - RRS 2011 - TDV6

    No. I did manage to get a message through to Ian Harnett via him (the No.2 over there - behind Ralph) but Ian towed the line and supported the Customer Service stance which is in essence is along the lines of - "you are no a highly valued customer - you are now a pain in the ar*e - go away"...
  2. S

    Failed Crank Bearings - RRS 2011 - TDV6

    ;-)) tbf one of them did offer to buy it off me before i had it repaired - and for a good price - he's senior enough to have got his hands on a newish engine and had it fitted for practically nothing - however - i foolishly declined and hence lost a packet on it when i sold it for way less than...
  3. S

    Failed Crank Bearings - RRS 2011 - TDV6

    I hope they do fight it all the way - and so will I... I have inside info from JLR which unfortunately i can't use as don't want to get mates their into trouble - but definitely suggests they tried to cover this up... i.e. it should have been a re-call but the cost to do so was so high they...
  4. S

    Failed Crank Bearings - RRS 2011 - TDV6

    In other words - JLR acknowledge the problem but still left vehicles with the known design fault out in the field without an official recall!
  5. S

    Failed Crank Bearings - RRS 2011 - TDV6

    This is really useful - thank you...
  6. S

    Failed Crank Bearings - RRS 2011 - TDV6

    "the Consumer Rights Act 2015. The Act states the car must be “of a satisfactory quality”, “fit for purpose” and “as described”. (For a used car, “satisfactory quality” takes into account the car’s age and mileage.) You have a right to reject something faulty and you are entitled to a full...
  7. S

    Failed Crank Bearings - RRS 2011 - TDV6

    Funnily enough a friend of mine from JLR (very senior) was at the press launch of the new RRS in South Africa a few years back. I customer hijacked the event when he turned up - to the dealership where they did the official unveiling - towing his old Range Rover Sport with 4 donkeys . He has...
  8. S

    Failed Crank Bearings - RRS 2011 - TDV6

    Hi Ian, Yes i have full JLR service history and I've approached JLR who have refused to help. I was out of warranty when it happened! I am in the automotive industry myself and I know a lot of people at JLR in senior powertrain positions and the noises are that they have tried to bury this...
  9. S

    Failed Crank Bearings - RRS 2011 - TDV6

    Hi Tom, It's actually a Range Rover Sport - 2011 plate - 3.0 TDV6 - thanks for the info on the facebook group - I'll have a look.
  10. S

    3.0 tdv6 crankshaft failure

    Hi - I had the same and I am putting a case for small claims court to get some of my costs back - I'd like to talk and see if we can get strength in numbers! please email me sdoyle@cgl.eu.com
  11. S

    Failed Crank Bearings - RRS 2011 - TDV6

    My crank bearings and crank failed and it cost me £9k to get a replacement re-con engine fitted. I know that this is a design fault and that there are hundreds if not thousands of us out there who JLR have washed their hands of as we are generally out of warranty. I intend to go to take JLR to...