Have your crank bearings failed on your TDV6

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;-)) tbf one of them did offer to buy it off me before i had it repaired - and for a good price - he's senior enough to have got his hands on a newish engine and had it fitted for practically nothing - however - i foolishly declined and hence lost a packet on it when i sold it for way less than i thought i should have got!

He didn't offer to help you get it repaired then? :rolleyes:
He didn't offer to help you get it repaired then? :rolleyes:
No. I did manage to get a message through to Ian Harnett via him (the No.2 over there - behind Ralph) but Ian towed the line and supported the Customer Service stance which is in essence is along the lines of - "you are no a highly valued customer - you are now a pain in the ar*e - go away" which is what basically happened to me....

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