1. Corey

    Key programming

    I have a spare key that I got off eBay and have managed to get the blade cut but it needs programming. Does anyone know who could do it in the Newcastle area?
  2. Corey

    Other what have u done on ur disco today

    Took mine for a spin around the woods in this glorious weather.
  3. Corey

    Oil leak

    Thanks for your quick replies, looks like Im down to one leak to source and then I can attempt to fix them. Thanks again for the advice.
  4. Corey

    Oil leak

    Hi all, new here my 2003 discovery has an oil leak (shock horror) could I get some help with likely causes and location. I've attached a picture. Cheers.
  5. Corey

    New member

    The leaks were a surprise but they are not insurmountable and your right I did by a land rover warts and all. Just can't wait to play in her.
  6. Corey

    New member

    Hi My fault when I said dealer I meant garage or more aptly a fenced off area with a upvc shed on it! I did test drive her and checked her over. She wasn't leaking at the time. Checked the vin plates, chassis, oil condition etc. The vehicle is sold as seen so perhaps I should of brought someone...
  7. Corey

    New member

    hello, I've just bought a land rover discovery 2003 in green at present the colour is the only thing going for it. Got pulled by the police after 5 minutes out of the dealer. Could of saved myself £15 on the car check! Got her home and I have a fuel leak and what looks like a transmission leak...