1. S

    Disco 3 tailgate release

    Good evening Barney this is a really simple fix - mine went 3 weeks ago - go to ebay and type in discovery 3 rear boot latch and for £25 you can buy the complete latch - you simply unscrew the old one - and install the new latch - be careful when cutting the old wires which attach to the boot...
  2. S

    Bonnet catch..advice needed..again as losing the plot!!!!

    hi Apologies for asking again..I had some useful help last night...I have a series 3...1971...and just starting to do small jobs before spraying and the bonnet catch in my mind is not right....so... If you move the lever to the left, is the bonnet meant to spring up and open, or is it meant to...
  3. S

    Other Introducing my self new series 3 owner

    Hi John Welcome to Landyzone and well done for the purchase of a series 3...you will see from my profile I only joined in January as myself and my son have bought our 1st series 3 too..to be honest I nor my son have any experience but we have bought the repair operations manual (green bible) ...
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    Bonnet latch help needed please

    John Thank you...this again is really helpful... I am going to dismantle the pin and get rid of all the old grease, clean it and then re oil and reset and see if that also makes a difference...and then take your advice and realign with the latch plate again after regreasing... My son who is 16...
  5. S

    Bonnet latch help needed please

    Hi tottot.... Apologies for troubling you again...The pin has a slit in the head..is this meant to catch on anything particular...and, in your opinion is winding the pin up and down a question of trial and error...I have loosened the latch plate on the bonnet but the pin is still only either...
  6. S

    Bonnet latch help needed please

    Thank you for coming back to me..I will try that now...
  7. S

    Bonnet latch help needed please

    hi When we recently bought the series 3 the bonnet wouldn’t close properly on the latch it kept popping up to the intermediate position...so I altered the main large screw with the spring on and now it closes fully and opens when you pull the latch but there is no intermediate position...should...
  8. S

    Bonnet material

    hi As you can probably see I am new To the forums....can anyone tell me please what the material is inside the bonnet is it insulation or fire pro material and where do I get some replacement material from....and, once bought is it just glued into place....currently restoring our series 3 1971...
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    Vehicle Identity help please....

    Even though it becomes mot exempt in May of this year...I still plan to have it done yearly...as my son will eventually be using it and for peace of mind too...
  10. S

    Vehicle Identity help please....

    Yes Turboman..I have today received the repair operations manual...green book, the series 3 parts manual and the Haynes owners workshop manual...so between the 3 of them we should get it sorted...thanks again...didn’t realise people would actually answer on these forums.....no doubt I will be...
  11. S

    Vehicle Identity help please....

    We have a long way to go....and as I said at the bottom of a very steep learning curve!
  12. S

    Vehicle Identity help please....

    Yes will do..thanks again
  13. S

    Vehicle Identity help please....

    Thank you anyway...have a good evening
  14. S

    Vehicle Identity help please....

    Thank you...we are at the bottom of a steep learning curve...but enjoying it...it is 95% complete and we are working on the electrics...all done by us properly bar the wretched wiper motor......I have installed a new motor but, the switch is the rotary one and I can only see this as a straight...
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    Vehicle Identity help please....

    Apologies!!! Hey, what do you really think...is this something tricky or should we just let’s sleeping dogs lie and enjoy it..both the project and on the road....?
  16. S

    Vehicle Identity help please....

    Thank you..I will ring tomorrow and see what their thoughts are...really appreciate all the comments from you and turbofan....thanks again
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    Vehicle Identity help please....

    Giggsy Thank you..are there any other ways of checking this vehicle out...I have an engine number but as turboman has suggested , some of the very late 2a’s had lights in the wings and new dash layouts
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    Vehicle Identity help please....

    Hi Giggsy...what is a ringer??? Sorry! And yes I am pretty nervous about giving details but equally keen to get to the bottom of this... Spencer
  19. S

    Vehicle Identity help please....

    Hi thanks for the speedy response...I do have a clear engine number...how does that help. ( excuse my ignorance on this) and yes I have the plastic dash with the dials/ clocks behind the steering wheel and re provenance..I bought the vehicle from a well known landrover series restoration company...