1. maxjones

    water temperature sender help

    Damn! Missed that one. Of course Land Rovers always take hours to warm up!
  2. maxjones

    water temperature sender help

    Hello Sean. Or I may have assumed that the person who did the engine swop had fitted the correct gauge in the first place. I did not assume an electrical fault, I suggested testing for one before spending money. What's wrong with that?
  3. maxjones

    gps mounting

    Just remember when you leave the vehicle to remove all evidence of having a GPS, even the mouting. They are very popular with thieves! A smash and grab takes seconds.
  4. maxjones

    water temperature sender help

    Backpedal? Me? Always happy to admit I'm wrong, but as the OP did not state that he was the person who did the engine swop, or even that it was done during his ownership, I did not wish to assume anything. As I said, test things first before spending money. Oh well, back to the lion taming...
  5. maxjones

    water temperature sender help

    So we agree there are two standards then. ( I would only say that NOT all people know about NTC / PTC ) And we agree that it is manufacturers who cloud the issue with their own minor changes in resistance, thread etc. We only differ on opinion of what to do. Having seen examples of engine...
  6. maxjones

    water temperature sender help

    The two types (standards) work by, in the one case, measuring an increase in electrical resistance of the sensor as engine temperature increases, the other measures a reduction in resistance of the sensor as temperature increases. This change in resistance registers on the gauge as a change in...
  7. maxjones

    water temperature sender help

    Hi Slob. - There are NOW only two STANDARDS of sender. (four if you count single station and dual station units in each basic standard) That is not to say that you will not find other, non-standard units about. Hi Sean. - No, I'm not over complicating things. It costs money to fit a...
  8. maxjones

    water temperature sender help

    Although there are some electrical gauges that need their matched sensor, most are made to work with one of two standard sensors these days, Euro and USA. With age, dirty contacts and corrosion, resistances can change. This alters the reading and reliability as the electrical gauge is just...
  9. maxjones

    Problems with wading

    Oops! Deep water takes a bit of planning. Hit any water, even a couple of inches, too fast and it can splash around in the engine bay causing terminal damage. Get just a drop up the air intake and the engine stops dead with serious internal damage. It's comes as no great shock then to find...
  10. maxjones

    clutch 'n' gears

    Hello again. Topping up may keep you going for a bit but with air in the system the clutch will not work properly and gears may be sticky or crunch. At some stage the leak will overcome your ability to keep topping up and fail completely. That will leave you with no easy way to engage any gear...
  11. maxjones

    clutch 'n' gears

    Hello old girl, I understand how you feel. I chased a clutch problem for a few weeks and even had a 'Specialist' look at it. He fitted a new clutch plate! The problem was a 'snatching' clutch, but the true cause, which I found myself, was simple and I think will cure yours. First, the clutch...