
Beer tester
LZIR Despatch Agent
Just before christmas too the 110 through some fairly deep water and ended up with a couple of problems.Are these wear and tear or cos I went for a a bit of a paddle?The handbrake weldied it self on and the starter motor packed up.its a standard 200tdi.what preparations can it do to prevent this happing again?
Deep water takes a bit of planning. Hit any water, even a couple of inches, too fast and it can splash around in the engine bay causing terminal damage. Get just a drop up the air intake and the engine stops dead with serious internal damage.
It's comes as no great shock then to find that water on a (probably) well corroded handbrake linkage was the 'last straw' for that item.
The starter motor, being fitted low, also got a soaking and, being an electrical item, did'nt like it at all.
There will be people coming up with all sorts of ideas such as plastic bags and water-proofing sprays, but to be honest, the only real answer is wade slow and shallow.
Book an off-road training course for a day and get some expert training on how to handle deeper water. It will save you money in the long run.
Good luck.
one word... bow wave :D

to be honest, its a pretty common occurance for the HB to sieze and an allready knackered starter will soon pack up if dunked, exp. during the winter months.

carry a big hammer to free the HB, no probs. regualar maintenence will prevent a sediment build up in the drum. alternatively X-eng do a disk HB conversion which will prevent allot of the problems. id spend your money here, not on an offroad tuition coarse ;)

might be worth taking the starter out, taking it apart to clean, re-lube and re-seal it well. inc. the solonoid pack ontop. unless its completely dead, then just replace it.

yeah tried a bow wave as learnt on an off road course but tit was up to 4 feet deep in places!Got a three inch lift on me Beast but still didnt take it in the deepest bits.Hand brake was WEILDED on!Club and sledge woulkdnt move it even when i had it taken off!Starter has seized completely but i got plenty of trucks to bump start me

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