1. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    Sounds like i should learn to be a welder & get my tickets, I've just been made redundant due to covid so a good time for a career change! Lol For now, I found a local mobile mechanic who's coming later today.
  2. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    I'll have to put one on my Christmas list! Lol
  3. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    Ok, will do
  4. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    So the lights are working!!! Don't ask me how. I checked all the fuses, they were fine, I put a bullet connector on the black wire & plugged it in with the other 2 earth wires & the lights worked for about 10 secs then stopped again & also now the indicators had stopped working! I took the earth...
  5. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    I was thinking about it actually! The welding i mean lol
  6. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    Thank you, I'll give it a go later. The other wires I assume are from the indicator & reversing light.
  7. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    This is what im seeing, there is an earth wire connected but coming up through the hole, not from the rear light.
  8. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    Lol I was actually talking about the landy.... I know you may think I'm a bit dim but just looking at the rear lights again, I have a red, a green & a black wire coming from the rear, ns light. The black 1 isn't connected to anything & even i know it should be! But to where? I've looked at...
  9. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    Yeah, he sulks a lot!
  10. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    Thank you so much for the offer, thats very kind. Space isn't really an issue tbh & the landy isn't moving anywhere until we've put a new alternator on him. I had a look at all the obvious things on the lights yesterday, fuse etc with no luck. They only stopped working when somebody bashed my...
  11. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    Thanks guys for all your help, the "big boys pants" made me lol. Like a few of you said I agree, its much better to do it yourself but not always an option x
  12. kim cattermole

    No willing mechanics!

    Hi, I have a 1988 3.5l V8 110 & it needs some work doing for the MOT. I've tried but everything is too tight or its electrical (I know absolutely nothing about electrics) My other half is working too much to help & just wants me to get rid of it!!! My problem is every garage I've called either...
  13. kim cattermole

    Rota arms

    Just thought I'd let you know that I tried a rota arm from the "Distributor doctor" that I found online. He guarantee's his rota arms for 5 years & after the "genuine" ones from Land rover barely lasted 5 hrs I thought id give it a go! It's been on for nearly 2 weeks now & (touch wood)...
  14. kim cattermole

    Rota arms

    Thank you, I'll take a look
  15. kim cattermole

    Rota arms

    Yes I did, that was fir my daughters 90 lol I'll take some photos once I'm home if that would help. Would you really come & look? How nice are you! I'm near Bungay now, are you close?
  16. kim cattermole

    Rota arms

    Tried a new cap, yes it's the original factory fitted engine. Will have a look for a capacitor when I eventually get towed home lol Thank you
  17. kim cattermole

    Rota arms

    Oh sorry, never posted on forums much
  18. kim cattermole

    Rota arms

    Hi, could anyone tell me why my 1988 defender 110, 3.5ltr v8 petrol keeps eating up rota arms? It has the semi electronic ignition. If used a lot or towing it will sometimes get through 1 a day! I've tried all different makes, including genuine LR ones & they all last about the same time. Once a...
  19. kim cattermole

    Help! Bodged or not?

    Well thanks guys for all the replies/help. Will have to have a think which way to go from here but will keep you posted. Also, just so you know, I have a 1988 3.5ltr V8 110, so it's a given I'll be asking more Q's of you in the future! Though (touch wood) all's fine & dandy with mine atm
  20. kim cattermole

    Help! Bodged or not?

    That was the conclusion I came to ref homemade brackets. When you say go back to standard could you please post me a pic of what standard actually looks like! I know I'm a pain but there seems to be so many variations I'm at a loss to which one I'm supposed to be looking at, or where the belts...