This is what im seeing, there is an earth wire connected but coming up through the hole, not from the rear light.
View attachment 241178 This is what im seeing, there is an earth wire connected but coming up through the hole, not from the rear light.
You can see the earths attached to the chassis. You need to crimp an end onto the black wire from the light, and put it under the screw with the other black wires, then the light should work if the bulb is OK.

I don't know what the wires coming through the hole are for, it should be obvious from outside the vehicle. But if that is working leave well alone.
If number plate light was smashed there is a chance the sidelight power supply would have gone straight to earth and blown the fuse, so check fuses.
Regrdless of what style of fuses are fitted, it is always worth removing them and checking they are not blown and the contacts are not corroded.
Column light stalks are also a bit crap, but normally a bit of frantic wiggling will get them going again.
Take the black wire and poke it in with the other earth wires in the yellow circle. If all works ok add a bullet connector and pop it in the connector.
Take the black wire and poke it in with the other earth wires in the yellow circle. If all works ok add a bullet connector and pop it in the connector. View attachment 241197

Thank you, I'll give it a go later. The other wires I assume are from the indicator & reversing light.

This is the correct way to do it although the ring connector under the screw will also work. But it should connect into the grey bullet block with a bullet on the bare black wire.
Get an impact gun for the tight stuff!

As Flat said, get an impact wrench - Lidl did one recently for about £60 it will make things a lot easier. I never really had a clue about mechanics and then ended up completely rebuilding my TD5 Defender. Basically you just take things off and replace it with something new. In my experience the electrics are normally an earth on the chassis needs cleaning, a relay needs replacing (dead easy) or the connects need an emery cloth clean or WD 40 contact cleaner and stuck back in.

Download a landrover workshop manual from this forum - a proper one (not the haynes) and print out out and put in a lever arch file - theres also an electrical one - absolute godsend as they are in plain English.

Finally this forum is fantastic - when the chips are down and ur on your chinstrap this is the place to turn to - absolutely brilliant!

Good luck


PS - buy a cheap mig welder and have a bash at it - its easy really
As Flat said, get an impact wrench - Lidl did one recently for about £60 it will make things a lot easier. I never really had a clue about mechanics and then ended up completely rebuilding my TD5 Defender. Basically you just take things off and replace it with something new. In my experience the electrics are normally an earth on the chassis needs cleaning, a relay needs replacing (dead easy) or the connects need an emery cloth clean or WD 40 contact cleaner and stuck back in.

Download a landrover workshop manual from this forum - a proper one (not the haynes) and print out out and put in a lever arch file - theres also an electrical one - absolute godsend as they are in plain English.

Finally this forum is fantastic - when the chips are down and ur on your chinstrap this is the place to turn to - absolutely brilliant!

Good luck


PS - buy a cheap mig welder and have a bash at it - its easy really
I was thinking about it actually! The welding i mean lol
This is the correct way to do it although the ring connector under the screw will also work. But it should connect into the grey bullet block with a bullet on the bare black wire.
So the lights are working!!! Don't ask me how. I checked all the fuses, they were fine, I put a bullet connector on the black wire & plugged it in with the other 2 earth wires & the lights worked for about 10 secs then stopped again & also now the indicators had stopped working! I took the earth wire back out again, took the fuses out again & checked them on a meter & they were still all fine, put them back in & everything worked! But the earth wire was still out??? I've put it back in with the other earth wires again & everything works so I've walked away before he decides to change his mind again! ("Him" being the landy, I'm female so its not a "she" like most! Also it has the temperament of a male Lol! ) ;)
Thank you to everyone xx
So the lights are working!!! Don't ask me how. I checked all the fuses, they were fine, I put a bullet connector on the black wire & plugged it in with the other 2 earth wires & the lights worked for about 10 secs then stopped again & also now the indicators had stopped working! I took the earth wire back out again, took the fuses out again & checked them on a meter & they were still all fine, put them back in & everything worked! But the earth wire was still out??? I've put it back in with the other earth wires again & everything works so I've walked away before he decides to change his mind again! ("Him" being the landy, I'm female so its not a "she" like most! Also it has the temperament of a male Lol! ) ;)
Thank you to everyone xx
Even if all the oil leaked out it would still be an earth fault - keep the faith.
So the lights are working!!! Don't ask me how. I checked all the fuses, they were fine, I put a bullet connector on the black wire & plugged it in with the other 2 earth wires & the lights worked for about 10 secs then stopped again & also now the indicators had stopped working! I took the earth wire back out again, took the fuses out again & checked them on a meter & they were still all fine, put them back in & everything worked! But the earth wire was still out??? I've put it back in with the other earth wires again & everything works so I've walked away before he decides to change his mind again! ("Him" being the landy, I'm female so its not a "she" like most! Also it has the temperament of a male Lol! ) ;)
Thank you to everyone xx

Pull all them plugs/fuses again and give the tags/contact bits a wipe woth one of them rough green kitchen sink scrubbing things (no idea what they are called!, then appply a little wd40/duckoil/grease what have you to stop the corrosion again, and there will be an again if you dont treat them.
All you have done by unplugging them them plugging them back in is scrape off some of the corrosion, sometimes they look okay but are still coroded.
Pull all them plugs/fuses again and give the tags/contact bits a wipe woth one of them rough green kitchen sink scrubbing things (no idea what they are called!, then appply a little wd40/duckoil/grease what have you to stop the corrosion again, and there will be an again if you dont treat them.
All you have done by unplugging them them plugging them back in is scrape off some of the corrosion, sometimes they look okay but are still coroded.
Ok, will do
I was thinking about it actually! The welding i mean lol
If you get a decent MIG, a mask, and some bits of scrap steel to practice on, you will probably pick it up with a few day's practice.

Plenty of vids and guides on the net, and you can get tips on LZ.

You won't become a Lloyds registered pipe welder overnight, but good enough to scrape your One Ten through the MOT for a few more years.
If you get a decent MIG, a mask, and some bits of scrap steel to practice on, you will probably pick it up with a few day's practice.

Plenty of vids and guides on the net, and you can get tips on LZ.

You won't become a Lloyds registered pipe welder overnight, but good enough to scrape your One Ten through the MOT for a few more years.
I'll have to put one on my Christmas list! Lol

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