1. German Bob

    Mings trendy wine bar

    I vould let you have meine cherry if you ask nicely, but I am not having any of zis vun veel offen zee ground nonsense. You TD4 tinkerer ;)
  2. German Bob

    Mings trendy wine bar

    Oh, vott do you spike? I am hoping zat I have not been coming all zis way to be disappointed :oops:
  3. German Bob

    Mings trendy wine bar

    Oh my :oops: I voss not knowing zis place existed. Can we just hang out und be friends? Und no sneakily slipping somezing into meine pina colada to make me me more ‘amenable’, I am hearing all about you naughty Freelander drivers from zee Hippo.
  4. German Bob

    I would just like to say

    Are you of inviting me to zee bed, I am zinking du bust ein very naughty boy xxx
  5. German Bob

    Spot lights/light bar. Pulled by police

    Were zey wearing of unt helmet? I once vas able to hold four policeman’s helmets in vhun hand. It vas ein very sticky situation.
  6. German Bob

    Disco 2 LED light bars

    I am sinking zatt perhaps zee mathematical s are not so correct. 4 x 5W LEDs ist 20 vatts. Vich ist less zan 2A. Ein smallish / medium lightenbar ist normally being around 120W. 10A
  7. German Bob

    Disco 2 LED light bars

    Es ist entirely depending on verr you are intending to be mounting zee lightbar. Mein vass vistling like ein kettle but a small peice of foam underneath zee lightbar ist now eliminating zee noise completely.
  8. German Bob


    Ja ich habe noch die jack boots und die lederhosen. Wünscht er mir, sie zu tragen?