ha ha unusual answers I am being given,

Thank you DIFFLOCK66 , I have the freelander one year now . It is ok I think.
I take bmw to Germany if I go back to visit. maybe sell in Poland for more money.
It will not be first time a german has drove into Poland for gain . haha
I make a joke.
have had good read on freelanders but I think maybe I sell that also soon.
will have more look on site at week ending with more time, thank you.
This is a top thread.
Welcome to lz rat.......i mean niggerman.


Haha I see you insult me as a rat when it is a surprise to me that you with the flat snout notices anything while you are sniffing out truffles warthog haha
:suspicious::scratching_chin: :hysterically_laughi

Wie gehts NiGGerMan?

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