1. swordcollector1

    About to go dig a Series 1 out of an African bush...what parts should I take?

    One approach (which may not be relevant): if you're going out with a spouse/partner/mate, why not go separately and stagger the journeys by 10 days or so? That way you can identify any obvious gaps in your supplies and the second to travel can buy and bring them out. No extra cost but easier...
  2. swordcollector1

    Series 3 Swiss MOT fail!!!

    Could you 3-D print something suitable as an adapter/junction piece? Some traders will even help with the CAD part so you get a file the 3-D printer can work from.
  3. swordcollector1

    Replacing Alpine Window Seals

    Great guide - I did the job yesterday on my 88” SW and it took about 3 hours to do both sides. Main problem I found was inserting the sealing strip: partly because, as others have said, it’s a really tight fit, partly because the insertion tool I used was just slightly too narrow for the strip...
  4. swordcollector1

    Are bearmach indicator stalks as useless as britpart

    I bought a Lucas one last year as one of the plastic self-cancelling arms had broken on mine. However it's not the same as the original - doesn't use the same bracket under the column to attach to, and the curve profile of the switch body didn't match the curve of the column itself! I wish I'd...
  5. swordcollector1

    Lower dashboard heater flaps

    By the time you've gone to bother of opening it up you may as well fix it - the sheet steel of the box is very thin and you could probably patch it with rivets and glue! If the lip (bottom right of my pic) is rotted then the spring has nothing to bear against.
  6. swordcollector1

    Lower dashboard heater flaps

    I think one weakness is that the spring is only held in place by a lip on the inner box face on one end and the pressure of that little bar behind the cut-out on the paddle flap on the other. If either of those goes then there's nothing to stop the spring falling out and more strain then goes...
  7. swordcollector1

    Lower dashboard heater flaps

    Coincidentally I'm just doing this sort of job myself. The cable goes into the heater box top and then attaches to the right-hand (nearest driver) flap by a trunnion - see pic. You need to remove the heater box top to get at it (22 small screws, many of which may be rusty). In my case the...
  8. swordcollector1

    Whats happened to the Landrover.net forum.

    Working for me...excellent news!
  9. swordcollector1

    New Series 3 Member

    Hi all, Came here from the landrover.net forum - series 3 owner currently running an 1983 petrol 88" station wagon as a hobby car while I try to restore to something closer to its original condition. A lot of this is cosmetic (missing/damaged trim, undoing previous owner bodges etc), with some...