1. --Rebel--

    Antifreeze query

    All useful info. Thanks
  2. --Rebel--

    Antifreeze query

    Not a cat person! Do have a dog though, so any spillage will be hosed away
  3. --Rebel--

    Antifreeze query

    Great, thanks guys
  4. --Rebel--

    Antifreeze query

    Hi all, Went to drain the coolant and refill with antifreeze on our series 2a earlier today. It's fitted with a 200 TDI and next to the radiator, there's what looks like an intercooler. There's a sticker on it that states " genuine Land Rover antifreeze, do not drain ). Am I being naive by taken...
  5. --Rebel--

    Leaking Diff

    I'd find fitting fwh's when I don't need them an inconvenience. I'd also find having to get out to adjust them whenever I needed to use them an inconvenience. Therefore, for my purpose, they are an inconvenience I can well do without.
  6. --Rebel--

    Leaking Diff

    Wide enough to stand on, lol
  7. --Rebel--

    Leaking Diff

    Tyres and bumpers are useful for that as well, lol
  8. --Rebel--

    Leaking Diff

    Great, thanks. New to Land Rovers and didn't know that, I'll check the movement
  9. --Rebel--

    Leaking Diff

    I won't be fitting FWH's, as the post above states, they're an inconvenience that can be done without. I'm still of the opinion that I may have accidentally made the prop too short after renewing the rubber gaiter, my original thought was to try and lengthen the prop while it's bolted in place...
  10. --Rebel--

    Leaking Diff

    Thanks for all the replies. When I say it has free wheeling hubs, I mean that the front hubs don't appear to have the ability to lock. They just look like ordinary hubs from what I can see. The diff wasn't leaking before I put the front prop back on ( removed by previous owner ), it looks as...
  11. --Rebel--

    Leaking Diff

    It does have free wheeling hubs, they don't appear to have any way of locking them. I'll study up on how to change the seal. Thanks for replying
  12. --Rebel--

    Leaking Diff

    Hi all, We recently bought a series 2A, the previous owner removed the front propshaft for economy ( ?? ). I've reinstalled it after replacing the split rubber gaiter, everything was ok before I put the propshaft back. I made sure that it was fitted with the rubber gaiter closest to the diff...
  13. --Rebel--

    Newbie in Northumberland

    Suppose any things possible, I know it was originally bronze green and was painted the current colour by a previous owner.
  14. --Rebel--

    Newbie in Northumberland

    Thanks for the welcome. The rear door is in two parts, the bottom half was a drop down tailgate at one point but is now a door, possibly due to the addition of the tow bar. The rear roof section is removable ad the windscreen can be folded down.
  15. --Rebel--

    Newbie in Northumberland

    Hi all, Just recently acquired a 1967 series lla, was informed by the previous owner that it's believed to have Royal connections of some sort - something to do with the design of the side windows apparently. So far have been unable to find confirmation one way or another.