1. negative_camber

    where to buy a 110 centre seat (frame)

    Thanks for that - appreciated, yep, have tried searching for series centre seats on google/ebay etc but still cant find the frame...... hideho will keep searching I guess... thanks again for the help........
  2. negative_camber

    where to buy a 110 centre seat (frame)

    Hi, I've recently bought an ex Army 110 (1985) and can find pretty much everything except a centre seat. The base and back are easy enough to find but I need the entire seat - right now there's nothing there at all! Google and several hours on the phone have failed me so far so any pointers...
  3. negative_camber

    part numbers for early (1985) defenders

    Hi Discokids, that's really helpful advice and beyond google's radar! Thanks for taking the time to help, much appreciated!
  4. negative_camber

    part numbers for early (1985) defenders

    I've just bought a 1985 ex-military 110 and finding it difficult to locate part numbers, retroanaconda would be great but is 1987-onwards. Any pointers to part numbers for early defenders would be much appreciated. I currently need rear wheel cylinders and shoes so if anyone knows whether...
  5. negative_camber

    whats the worst that can happen :)

    Many thanks for the advice all, have acted upon it today :)
  6. negative_camber

    whats the worst that can happen :)

    Evening all, Just bought an ex-MOD 1985 110. This is our first venture into Land Rover territory because it's the first time we could afford to do so and we're truly excited. The kids (9 and 11) love it and it accommodates the climbing/camping and kayaking kit in a way that we've previously...