1. teg62x

    Freelander, Rear Window Fault

    I love this forum!! This is exactly what my freelander did today, and thanks to you guys and the window reset info, I am now back up and running normaly. Cheers
  2. teg62x

    Freelander 1 Tarting up the bonnet lettering

    I like the chrome letters. Very nice.
  3. teg62x

    Dog farts vs AC

    Haha was that not Biggus Dickus :D
  4. teg62x


    I don't think thats all he would be pulling out!!
  5. teg62x


    Do you get these free with the speedo cover?
  6. teg62x


    Welcome matey, good to see more "jocks" on here.:);)
  7. teg62x

    new user

    Welcome aboard matey.
  8. teg62x

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Hats off to you mate, well done.
  9. teg62x

    Freelander 1, an alternative to the viscous coupling?

    Looks interesting mate, who is involved with manufacturing etc. How robust is the unit? How much does it cost? Please keep us updated on your trial.
  10. teg62x

    Hello new to forum

    Hello mate and welcome, I don't think it is that difficult a job, you can get double Din units anywhere and most audi dealers will have specific adaptors for each vehicle. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181227202821?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT The company selling the...
  11. teg62x

    PeelyWally: Scottish for pale and unhealthy-looking.

    Cut mine today, first this year.
  12. teg62x

    Another Newbie ... be kind :)

    Welcome fellow jock. :)
  13. teg62x

    Another Newbie ... be kind :)

    Welcome fellow jock.:)
  14. teg62x


    Hello from north of the border.:)
  15. teg62x

    Hello from Scotland

    was at Faslane in the 80s - 90s is the Imps still open in Helensburgh?:rolleyes:
  16. teg62x

    Hello from Scotland

    Welcome from Fife matey, you at faslane?
  17. teg62x

    Looks like I've done it again, Doh!!!

    As a new owner, this write up has been fantastic. Well done mate on your bargain motor. You have given me the confidence to take on some jobs myself rather than just pay to get the work done. Great post.
  18. teg62x

    Greetings - New Freelander
