What should I do?

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Skinny Mike

Well-Known Member
Serious question here for your consideration.

As we are currently experiencing rather warm weather here in the UK, I'm using the air con. Unfortunately my dogs farts can clear a room in seconds, and when she does it in the Freelander, it's puke inducing.
So what should I do?

none of the above :p- your dog needs a change of diet - probably a bit (lot) more fibre!!:D
It's on grain free dry food now. You should have smelt them before, toxic waste springs to mind.
perhaps some pro-biotic yoghurt is required then ?? - our two occasionally get a bug, and the antibiotics kill all the good bugs in their guts - pro bio puts them back.... at least it has up to press....
Right with you on this one, Mike, as I have 6 of the smelly stinking little sods in my Hippo every day. Open both front side windows, roof lights if you have them and the tailgate and never drop below 70mph whilst squirting Febreze over your left shoulder. I think WW2 gas masks are still available on ebay.
Yeh, the dog stinks our car out occasionally. Nothing compared to a bunch of blokes out for a day's fishing or golf after a few bevvies washed down with a curry the night before!

Also nothing compared to the odd bag of bait (squid etc) that's been forgotten 'fermenting" in the boot with the sun on it for a couple of days with all the "juices" leaking out into the carpet! You can open the windows to clear it - but as soon as they're shut it comes back again!
Also nothing compared to the odd bag of bait (squid etc) that's been forgotten 'fermenting" in the boot with the sun on it for a couple of days with all the "juices" leaking out into the carpet! You can open the windows to clear it - but as soon as they're shut it comes back again!
Oh yes, the old bag of dead bait.
Lovely :confused:
Naughtius maximus.
Bigus dickus.

Try typing that with auto correct:p
Hi Mike, wasn't she called Incontinencia Buttocks (the wife of Bigus Dickus)

Couldn't you rig up some sort of tube arrangement 'inserted' into the dog and fed out of a hole in the floor. ?
You could keep it attached by a sort of 'reverse muzzle' (a rear end type muzzle with the pipe attached) made from a gimp mask.....:p
Bit of genius Yorshire engineering and leather work with an axe and a big hammer and Robert's your mother's brother.

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