1. G

    Freelander remote unlocking receiver

    Thanks VVill !
  2. G

    Freelander remote unlocking receiver

    I've found time yesterday to find the receiver. Unfortunately I was unable to remove the instruments enclosure... Do I need to take off the steering wheel? Hope not. I will look on this again today but if anyone have any helpful information I will be more than happy to use them. ps. What do you...
  3. G

    Freelander remote unlocking receiver

    many thanks td4van for your help :)
  4. G

    Freelander remote unlocking receiver

    td4van Many Thanks for your support :) Now I only need to find the proper receiver and...find where the receiver is fitted to replace it :) I have Freelander XDI from 2004. Will I be able to replace it by myself? I have screwdriver :)
  5. G

    Freelander remote unlocking receiver

    I have the problem with receiver. Can I replace the receiver - for example get used one on ebay and then use the programming kit for fobs and receiver?
  6. G

    Freelander 1 FL3 CD Error E11 - Looking for solution

    I'm back. For couple of days I was struggling with 1 screw... the one which is fitted near the hand break... I was surprised that there was no stainless steel screws provided... I took the radio off and...surprise again - I was not prepared to see that I need so small torx. I've decided to...
  7. G

    Freelander remote unlocking receiver

    Hi britishwardog Have you found solution?
  8. G

    Freelander 1 FL3 CD Error E11 - Looking for solution

    Thanks Tiny for Reply ;) tomorrow I will check the option with fuses and on Friday I will remove the radio. Will update this post on daily basis ;) Update : option with fuses does not help. Need to take radio out.
  9. G

    Freelander 1 FL3 CD Error E11 - Looking for solution

    I've looked on the fuses box yesterday. There are two fuses for radio (based on the diagram + my eyes) - no. 12 and second fuse is in second row (i do not remember the number). I will try this tomorrow morning and will update this thread. Thanks td4van!!!
  10. G

    Greetings from Nottingham

    Thanks for nice Welcome :) After week with Freelander i have only one description of this car - AWESOME :) + I'm also happy that fuel is cheap :) Does anyone here heard about CD ERROR E11 ? I've started new thread within this forum however I did not get any reply yet.
  11. G

    Freelander 1 FL3 CD Error E11 - Looking for solution

    Happy New Year to everyone here Here is Damian from Nottingham :) I've just bought the Land Rover Freelander *54* and I'm really happy with this car I have only one problem with the CD FL3 type. When I put CD the display shown PLAY and after 2 seconds there is info CD ERROR E11. Trying to...
  12. G

    Greetings from Nottingham

    Hello to all Landyzone forum users. I'm Damian and I've just bought Land Rover Freelander *54*. I'm sure that I will have a lots of questions to you :) With best regards Damian