
Active Member
Hi all, sorry if this has been covered before but a quick search didn't yield any help, I believe the receiver for the remote key fob on my 2003 Td4 is not working following an unsuccessful purchase of a new fob and programmer, are the receivers all the same for the Freelander 1 or is there a specific variation/type?
This was a fob from that came with a plug in programmer, after following the instructions carefully the fob should have worked-after speaking to them they suggested that maybe the receiver is kaput.
I would try synchronising the fob first - point fob at the car and on the fifth press the hazards should flash - job done.

Do all the doors lock with the key? someone on here recently had no central locking at all - turned out to be the central locking fuse.

If it comes down to the receiver have a look at it first before you buy another - there's a multiplug connector at the back of it that might have come loose - is there power at the connector?
You can also note the serial number for when you buy another.

Hi mate, tried re-syncing the fob first but didn't work, yes central locking works fine on the key in all areas, I will dig out the receiver and check that out next, cheers for your help!
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Can anyone tell me if there are any other component that can affect whether the remote unlocking will work other than the receiver and the fob, I've tried re-syncing the fob and also tried programming a brand new fob all to no avail, it's been suggested to me to get hold of a working second hand receiver but a) I don't know how to test mine to see if it is indeed knackered or b) if something else is at fault.
Any help appreciated.
P.s. Central locking works as it should using the key.
I have the problem with receiver. Can I replace the receiver - for example get used one on ebay and then use the programming kit for fobs and receiver?
The receiver can be replaced without programming

It just receives the signal and passes it on to the CCU

The CCU does the programming
td4van Many Thanks for your support :) Now I only need to find the proper receiver and...find where the receiver is fitted to replace it :) I have Freelander XDI from 2004. Will I be able to replace it by myself? I have screwdriver :)
Steering wheel doesn't need to be removed.
-disconnect battery and wait 10 mins
-lower steering wheel to lowest position
-2 screws above instrument panel
-3 screws behind rubber between steering wheel and instrument panel
N/B be gentle with the rubber easy to snap rubber pins
-1 screw either side of steering wheel under light height adjuster
-remove plug connector behind light adjuster then remove plastic surround
-slowly pull the top of instrument panel forward
-the black box on the top is what you're after gently push sides with a screwdriver to remove
Hope this helps any questions just ask
Above instructions are for a facelift, if you have an early model just have a look in RAVE, covered in there

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