1. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Well yes, it has been too long since I did an update, both online and on the vehicle. I have 3 projects on the go of which this is the biggest, but the other two are also borderline crazy so it's hard to give this old girl the attention she deserves. I did decide many months ago that the time...
  2. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Typical, I don’t post an update for a while and the doubters start to think the project is over - NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN !
  3. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    LOL, sorry, I would normally try to avoid quite such a jargon laden post, but I was answering very specific questions :)
  4. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Well thank you ! I'm also an electronic engineer, the mechanical stuff is just what I've picked up along the way, and benefitted from some outstanding advice from others to get to where I need to go. Most of the modules are ARM cortex processors with a bunch of custom I/O surrounding them. I...
  5. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Well none of the above, but certainly not thin skin ;)
  6. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    I'm a little blocked at the present by another project. I have a spare D2 chassis waiting to accept the bodyshell while I do the mods, and I've figured out the safest way to transfer the bodyshell is with a crane, but the crane needs to go exactly where my other project vehicle is currently...
  7. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Well I appreciate the support, but I took the question in the spirit it was intended :)
  8. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Yes that's pretty much what I envisaged. I had that arrangement previously with orange sleeves over either end of my phase coloured cables, but given the (stupid) requirement that the cables all be orange, I will use phase coloured sleeving at either end to identify which phase is which. It is...
  9. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Hi guys, sorry for the delay - the bad news is it did NOT pass it's electrical safety test. It failed on cable routing and colour coding. They were not happy with the spacing of the cable clamps, the way they passed through the body shell (they suggest they may be subject to chaffing, and at...
  10. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    I hope you're right, but the electrical compliance test is new, so there is no real precedence, who knows hat it could be failed on - oh well, fingers crossed !
  11. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Not sure I would have described it that way, but thanks for the support :)
  12. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    They are working enough for basic functionality and IVA compliance - the problem with developing your own ECUs is that you can always see ways to improve them - not sure they'll ever be "finished" ! Yes it will be a Q plate, DVLA assured me that I could find any way of not describing this as a...
  13. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    OK, well one major update - the car is now booked in for its electrical compliance test (ECE Reg. 100.01), this is a pre-requisite for all electric and hybrid vehicles prior to booking the IVA test that is necessary to obtain a registration document for the car to be road legal. The Electrical...
  14. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Oops - typo, corrected now - thanks
  15. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    I don't know what it is with you Bobsticle, nearly every post you make is abusive, negative and belittling. Are you secretly hoping this project will fail ? Is that how you get your validation ? I have told you before that this will never be scrapped, I have put years of my life into this and...
  16. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Yes, that's the old girl, not recovered as such, but as he's not yet road legal, she has to be transported everywhere. This must have been yesterday, not today, but looks like it was taken in Aldershot just off the A331, which confuses me a little, as the driver should have been coming from...
  17. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Not really, four of the modules use off the shelf processor modules :- AVIC & RPEC use a wandboard QuadPLUS which plug into motherboards I designed carrying the rest of the electronics and run android orio. VIP & AMS use a wandboard Quad which also plug into motherboards of my design, running...
  18. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    I don't think I could get it in that tiny car park ! Or if I could, I'd never get it out again ! :)
  19. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Wow guys I’m touched - thank you so much for all the support and encouragement - I do so apologise for missing your arbitrarily assigned deadlines ! There is no way in hell this will be scrapped or abandoned, I have spent years of my life and 10s of thousands on this not to mention more tech...
  20. dave658

    6-Wheel Drive Discovery II - Am I totally mad ?

    Err, not sure how to take that ! :)