1. Crossbredflea

    Wheel fell off!

    I would definitely start looking at security!
  2. Crossbredflea

    Really struggling with this new lay out. HELP??

    To be fair, it is sooo much easier to reply to a thread than start one......
  3. Crossbredflea

    Hi another newby

    You could do a search for D2 suspension and see what older threads have been started. Odds on someone has had the same issues before!
  4. Crossbredflea

    Hi another newby

    Hi and welcome. If you try and put as much info about your suspension issues on here there is plenty of knowledge that will get back to you, sadly I am not among them!!!
  5. Crossbredflea

    Disco 1 Brake pipe work required

    Thank you, its always good to learn by experience but I do prefer it to be someone else's!! :D:D
  6. Crossbredflea

    Disco 1 Brake pipe work required

    Thank you, I'm going in and I may be some time!!
  7. Crossbredflea

    Disco 1 Brake pipe work required

    I need to replace a few lengths of brake pipe on my Disco 1 and wondered if anyone has used or has any opinions on this that I found on amazon? Would a novice be able to fit it or would tailor made pieces be preferable? Thanks in advance.
  8. Crossbredflea

    Date set for LZ12.....2016

    Yay, Armed Forces Day where we can celebrate the armed forces whilst they all work! Glad I am a civvi now!!
  9. Crossbredflea

    What a shame

    I saw one in a local village, same situation. Went back a week later and it had gone!
  10. Crossbredflea

    Odds 'n Ends of Spares

    Free or swap in the title? I cant be the only one with a spare wheel that doesnt match the other 4!!! :D
  11. Crossbredflea

    Workshop For Hire - Southwest

    I have seen this idea being bounced around a lot, found this which may give you a heads up on a lot of stuff. Maybe look a few rental periods from 1 hr rates to half day etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/1mimyx/business_idea_diy_auto_garage_basically_let/ Good luck!
  12. Crossbredflea

    Disco 1 What height hydraulic jack?

    Massive no no on the safety stuff with the axle stands
  13. Crossbredflea

    Disco 1 What height hydraulic jack?

    That looks good, thank you both!
  14. Crossbredflea

    Disco 1 What height hydraulic jack?

    I didnt know if the standard bottle jack should be used to lift the whole front end?
  15. Crossbredflea

    Disco 1 What height hydraulic jack?

    Ok, Advice please? I have been searching for a hydraulic trolley jack to lift my D1 onto axle stands, many that I have seen have a max lift to about 430mm, I havn't measured exactly by my front axle is about 400mm off the floor anyway. From a safety point of view, can I put the jack on a block...
  16. Crossbredflea

    NFU car insurance

    Both parties can claim, non blame status is given to the one who has their excess paid by the other party. The 50/50 agreement only affects how the Insurance Companies settle each others accounts, as I said - it does not apportion blame.
  17. Crossbredflea

    NFU car insurance

    A 50/50 settlement and 50/50 blame are different animals. Its one of those industry sayings that got out into the public and inferred a different meaning. 50/50 settlement is an agreement between Insurance Company A and Insurance Company B. One week A will owe B £100 and the next week B will...
  18. Crossbredflea

    Disco 1 Welding

    Cheers, it was that last sentence that pointed me away from this seemingly awesome starter deal but sadly I have more car than gates that need seeing to. At the mo it is body work that is requiring attention - the bit that attaches it to the chassis. :eek:
  19. Crossbredflea

    Disco 1 Welding

    Cool, thank you. Going to draft a really really nice letter to Santa. and this copied from another site answers the question about the Aldi offer: Don't want to excite anybody, but just noticed Aldi are selling their well-known buzz-box arc welder next Thursday 27th October at £35. The usual...
  20. Crossbredflea

    Disco 1 Welding

    Can you recommend a starter welder, if there is such a thing (saw a cheap thing in Aldi and was tempted). Would love to learn, and I would get a lot a experience from my Disco.