Can anyone recommend a welder who will work for the love it and tea and bacon sarnies???????? Wishful thinking in South Lincs.;):rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
You might have more joy if you detailed the welding you need doing and what sort of love you've got in mind :p and no I'm not volunteering myself sorry
So you want a welder who will give his time for food... AND be out of pocket to do your jobs ?
You are aware welding will need cutting back/grinding and perhaps fabricating ? unless you want a real botch job.
Does he have to come to you as well ?
So negative!!! I didnt actually think I would get any replies!!! I need the skills, I'm not a complete blagger!! I do know what goes into preparation etc I have just never done it before. Got a few bits to sell to raise the dosh so nobody needs to be out of pocket! I thought Landy owners were glass half full types!!!
Can anyone recommend a welder who will work for the love it and tea and bacon sarnies???????? Wishful thinking in South Lincs.;):rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

So negative!!! I didnt actually think I would get any replies!!! I need the skills, I'm not a complete blagger!! I do know what goes into preparation etc I have just never done it before. Got a few bits to sell to raise the dosh so nobody needs to be out of pocket! I thought Landy owners were glass half full types!!!

Your first post doesn't convey the same message as your second!!

My bottle is more than half full, at present I am working on a project for a fellow member, he pays for all the materials and I am happily honing my skills.
So far I welded his inner fornt offside wing and fabricated a new battery tray, welded in a new front and rear offside footwell and offside sill, rear inner offside arch and just started on the nearside.
So you see had you not came across as a free loader you may well have received different posts.
Had you have been nearer I would gladly help you learn how to do these things
No problemo, think folks were just answering your question.
Buy a portable welder and learn yourself, its great fun:cool:
Can you recommend a starter welder, if there is such a thing (saw a cheap thing in Aldi and was tempted). Would love to learn, and I would get a lot a experience from my Disco.
Cool, thank you. Going to draft a really really nice letter to Santa. and this copied from another site answers the question about the Aldi offer:

Don't want to excite anybody, but just noticed Aldi are selling their well-known buzz-box arc welder next Thursday 27th October at £35. The usual quality, with a 3-year warranty. It's here.
Probably only good for 2.00 mm rods up, as the lowest output is 55 Amps. They say it does 1.6 mm rods, but they'll be a bit hot at 55A minimum.
Goes up to 160 Amps, probably in very short runs.
Input capacity 8kw?:whistle: Hope that's just inrush current, or it will need a special plug.
Comes complete with earth clamp, rod holder, and the famous hand-held face shield.:laughing: Plus a few of the delectable Aldi rods to get you started.:clapping:
Just about okay for anyone stuck for something cheap to weld shortish runs of 2.5 mm m/s upward, if your mig only goes up to 2-3 mm; and handy for the odd bracket or gate repair. Be prepared to practice though, and buy some decent rods, as their offer of 90 mixed size electrodes for £4.00 is not good value; these rods can be of very mixed quality, as some on these forums have found out in the past.
For any new hopeful would-be welders reading this, NO, they won't be any good at all for car repairs...
As the last sentence says, no good for sheet metal fab. What bits need doing? A stick welder (MMA) doesn't give you the control you get from a wire feed (MAG with mixed gas). Yes it will be suitable for chassis repairs, but it will be about on it's limit. That in mind, it's almost pointless because you end up with a welder that can't do thin enough for body repairs and can only just do chassis repairs. Sorry to **** on your bonfire.
Cheers, it was that last sentence that pointed me away from this seemingly awesome starter deal but sadly I have more car than gates that need seeing to. At the mo it is body work that is requiring attention - the bit that attaches it to the chassis. :eek:

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