1. R

    2.25 Diesel Head work

    Hi there, Can anyone tell me why I can not seem to find out details on the inlet cable seat for this head as I am having some work done but can only see reference to exhaust seat insert. Any help would be great thanks.
  2. R

    Inlet manifold hoses

    Hahahahahaha I nearly spat my coffee out reading that haha
  3. R

    Inlet manifold hoses

    Haha... Something like that... Think it might have been some sort or fire tender or something of the like, as it has two very large pipe fittings one on each side of the vehicle. Although one is marked with a plate saying cooling water???
  4. R

    Inlet manifold hoses

    So... The hose going down to the chassis it attached to a metal pipe that goes under the vehicle and is attached to the underside of the body. This is under the seat box. Unfortunately access is limited as the seats that are in my vehicle are a random set which are heavily bolted in. So next...
  5. R

    Smokey Diesel 2.25 Series 3

    That's not a bad shout actually as I felt I had to put in more than required!!
  6. R

    Smokey Diesel 2.25 Series 3

    Cheers lads, I'll definitely work through all this. I think it deserves a methodical approach. Got to resist the urge to adjust everything without running it properly.
  7. R

    Smokey Diesel 2.25 Series 3

    Thanks Land Raver. I appreciate your input here. I think you are probably right. I think adjusting and starting and stopping is not really the way forward. I think I'll get on with getting it nice and warm etc and then see how things go from there. Although I'm still thinking a compression...
  8. R

    Smokey Diesel 2.25 Series 3

    My apologies for the well trodden question of smoking diesel engines but as I have read so many threads with umpteen answers I thought I would start again, see what people think? I have just replaced the head gasket and while we had the head off all seemed well... But since buttoning everything...
  9. R

    Inlet manifold hoses

    Yeah not too sure to be honest hopefully work it out tomorrow. No servo...
  10. R

    SW London Series Landy Virgin

    South of the smelly river indeed ;-)
  11. R

    Inlet manifold hoses

    Well I'm a little embarrassed now as I forgot to mention this is regarding a diesel 2.25 so no carb. Apologies... But thanks for the input TooMany2cvs. I will put a pick up of the install as soon as I can. On a separate note had a look at you thread today was very interesting will be watching...
  12. R

    SW London Series Landy Virgin

    Cheers guys.
  13. R

    Inlet manifold hoses

    Hmmm... Ok thanks I will look into that.
  14. R

    Inlet manifold hoses

    I am indeed, struggling to work out which one goes where if you know what I mean? I can't be sure right now but I will have to check. Most annoying is the hose with a bolt stuck in the end!!
  15. R

    Inlet manifold hoses

    Hi all, this may sound like a basic question. But my inlet manifold has three smaller hoses which I can not for the life of understand we they have been connected the way they have. The hose on the very near the butterfly has a bolt in the end. The hose at the far end connected to the thin alloy...
  16. R

    SW London Series Landy Virgin

    Hi All, Just to introduce myself, I am Rob, and have recently started my world of debt with a 1975 Series 3 Ex Navy LWB... This is my first Landy, although I have worked on quite a few in past. Very keen to get going... Hopefully I can share some knowledge in the future. Thanks Rob
  17. R

    Diesel Headgasket help...

    Good point! Cheers!
  18. R

    Diesel Headgasket help...

    Sorry Blackburn your reply came through as I was typing obviously. I'll keep that in mind.
  19. R

    Diesel Headgasket help...

    Thanks guys, and is the Britpart ok or should I only go with OEM? 10 times the price difference...
  20. R

    Diesel Headgasket help...

    Hi all, Can anyone possibly suggest a new Headgasket for my S3... I have been searching and found so many I can not see the wood for the trees anymore. I have heard that the copper gaskets are not great too which has added to my confusion. Any recommendations would be great. Thanks RP